Author Topic: Can I replace any feeds with bottle? 5.5 weeks  (Read 1172 times)

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Can I replace any feeds with bottle? 5.5 weeks
« on: December 10, 2014, 13:53:58 pm »
So Ds2 is my third child but the only one I have successfully fb beyond 10 days so this is all very new to me.

At the moment I do all feeds except a 1.30 dream feed that dh does (formula) I tried expressing but with three kids I found this unsustainable and it was always the fore milk as don't have time to sit for ages expressing as well as feeding. The main issue I'm having us my DD (the middle child) is struggling with the massive reduction in attention. She loves her baby brother and is amazing at 'helping' and cuddling him (she will be 4yo in January) but her tantrums have reverted to those of a 2yo and she wants to cuddle me/play with me and do things with me that I can't fit in much after preschool when ds2 is feeding/griping most of the evenings so my question really is whether or not to introduce daytime bottles to enable me to give my daughter back some time and attention. I feel quite sad for her as she is so focused on this. If so how do I even start going about this?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Can I replace any feeds with bottle? 5.5 weeks
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 14:07:52 pm »
Hey there, so your question is not so much about feeding as about how to deal with DD and feeding? Is that right?  It is pretty normal for siblings to have a major readjustment period. 

If you want to feed BM in the bottle then you will need to spend time pumping, which might also take time from DD.  Personally I found pumping to be a real pain, it works well for some people, but it was always easier for me to just plug baby in.  Can DD sit with you while you're feeding?  You could read to her, do a puzzle, sit with her while she draws, whatever it is she likes doing.  Almost make feeding time a special time for her.

I know this is very new to you, and so many congratulations on getting this far!, but it will be possible soon for you to plug baby in and sort of act like he isn't there, yk?  Try re-focusing your attention on DD as much as you can, tempting as it is to gaze dreamily at DS!  She might like to play at feeding one of her dolls or teddies (super cute!).

Otherwise, it is entirely your decision if you want to mixed feed. I see you're already giving formula at night, so you might want to give one bottle during the day.  Be careful about timing, you want to avoid too long a space between breastfeeds as it might undermine supply a bit/leave you feeling engorged. 

If it were me, I would try to combine BFing and being specially attentive to DD, and see how you go.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Can I replace any feeds with bottle? 5.5 weeks
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2014, 19:25:35 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I suppose that was partly the question. I have tried to give her that time whilst feeding but ds2 is a really fussy feeder. He's on and off and windy and dd gets annoyed that he's crying and fussing every five/ten mins. I realised there were a few typos in my last post but the dream feed is at 10.30ish do you think it would be a bad idea to also give a bottle feed at 7pm ish? It is only worth me adding a bottle in between 3.30and bedtime as that is the time my other children need the most attention... Help with homework for DS1, cooking their tea, reading with them and just playing with them. So what dot outthink might. Be a good time to swap in a bottle?also how do Ido it? I've had mastitis once already two weeks ago and am quite anxious about getting it again

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Re: Can I replace any feeds with bottle? 5.5 weeks
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2014, 07:26:42 am »
You can add a bottle anywhere you like but do remember that if you go a long time without feeding (like 6hrs) and don't pump it will tell your body that it doesn't need to make the milk for that missed feed and your supply will drop. At this age supply is still being established so demand (or lack if it) will have a significant influence.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011