Author Topic: Is this an allergic reaction?  (Read 2143 times)

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Offline dache

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Is this an allergic reaction?
« on: December 26, 2014, 15:31:16 pm »
DD got a rush on her face, its spots and they are not all over her face.
She also has frequent BM, most of the time diarrhea like, almost always with undigested food (corn, green beans, squash).
And her nappy area is very very red, with what seems like popped blisters. I haven`t actually seen the blisters but there are a few places that are sore and bloody. These kind of BM she is very upset, crying and she wont let me wipe her because she is in pain.

The rash is new, a few days old. It came out the morning after I gave her a cookie for the first time.
She cant have dairy, I also think she has some reaction to eggs. If this is an allergic reaction I think its bc of squash. Tomatoes are also not going well. Beans upset her tummy.So basically I`m left with pasta, rice and potatoes  :-[

Anyways, I can`t be sure, does this sound like an allergic reaction

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Re: Is this an allergic reaction?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2014, 03:27:46 am »
What you're describing in the nappy area sounds like thrush/yeast. If you can get an antifungal cream, that should help a lot. Try to keep the area as dry as you can for now to keep more yeast from growing. Not sure if you can get infant probiotics where you are, but that can help, especially if she's been on antibiotics more than once already (kills "good bacteria" in the gut and allows yeast to overgrow.).

The rash on the face could well be an allergy, but not for sure. If the diarrhea has been happening a lot, it may be something she can't tolerate yet - not necessarily an allergy but an intolerance. Dairy is a VERY common allergy, but soy, wheat, and eggs are other common foods that can cause reactions. Tomatoes can have a lot of acid, as can some fruits, so I'd go easy on those (they also have sugar which can aggravate yeast). Why do you think squash? It could be, although squash is usually toelrated well.

How does she react to carrots and greens with the rice? You might be able to expand her diet that way, especially if she can tolerate some mild seasonings. Mine were happy with a little cinnamon for carrots and for squash; curry powder also goes well with those. and greens like spinach and broccoli went well with both yogurt and cereal, so if she's eating pasta & rice you can try pureed spinach with either of those like a sauce? Green beans too - they're more vegetable than bean since the seeds are so immature.

Offline dache

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Re: Is this an allergic reaction?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2014, 23:11:28 pm »
Thank you for the detailed answer Deb.

That`s what I do with the 3 products, I combine them with veggies, and give her a lot of fruit.
I do not think its thrush/yeast. She had that two times(I dont even know how is it possible for babies to get that, Im a clean freak, my hands are dry from washing them so many times.) This does not look like that.

I know squash is a very safe food, but I think its that bc the nappy area gets like that when I give squash. My sister thinks the same. She hasnt been on antibioics recently but Ill try the probiotics.I give her some from time to time anyways.

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Re: Is this an allergic reaction?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2014, 07:36:15 am »
Hi, it may well be a reaction (though not necessarily an allergy). It sounds like there is a lot of acid causing the burning. Tomatoes and strawberries are common for causing this kind of rash.

I guess the only way to know is take out the foods you suspect until the rash clears then reintroduce slowly.

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Re: Is this an allergic reaction?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2014, 13:14:38 pm »
(I dont even know how is it possible for babies to get that, Im a clean freak, my hands are dry from washing them so many times.)

Yeast lives naturally in the gut, so no matter how much of a clean freak you are externally, internally is another matter. If there is yeast overgrowth in the gut, it will affect digestion and cause diarrhea, often painful as then once it's out is can grow on the skin in the nappy area, which is so warm and damp that it provides a perfect environment. Thrush/yeast can show in many different ways and places on the body: mouth, nose, nappy area/girly bits, even in the lungs. It can be itchy or painful, white patchy or red blisters - just saying don't rule it out because it looks different.

If there's any way to go bare-bottom for a while, that can help keep the area open to the air and therefore drier for a while; make sure it gets a chance to dry after bathtime as well.

Good luck while you sort it out!

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Re: Is this an allergic reaction?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2014, 17:01:28 pm »
Not sure how old your dd is now.  DS would get that when he was teething.  I wonder if that would be also a factor. 

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Re: Is this an allergic reaction?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2014, 21:06:40 pm »
Agree with Koe - sounds like a teething situation to me