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Slow weight gain
« on: December 28, 2014, 22:06:43 pm »
I have a boy who was born at 3.370 kg, so between 25th and 50th centiles and was still on that centile space at 2 weeks. Since week 7 his weight started growing slower slipping to the 9th centile. We had been sick and he slipped as low as the 2nd (actually losing weight) and has now regained back to 9th centile, but for the last 2 weeks we seem to be stuck on the 9th centile. So at 17 weeks (4 months) he is just under 6 kg, when ideally he would be 6.5 or bigger.

GP asked me a month ago if I would consider formula and I said no, as he was refusing expressed milk and was sick anyway. Now I still do not want to do formula but I am tired. He is a third kiddie and I do get help with the other two, still, there is not enough time to express regularly to increase milk supply. When I pump I get about 100 mls, which suggests his feed is probably 100-120 mls. He hangs on a breast all night, so I often find myself hunched in bed in the morning not recalling actually laying down. I will get to see HV soon, but am a bit worried.

Also, my older son has allergies, could this baby also have allergies contributing to poor weight gain? Don't know. Any advice?

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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 22:42:09 pm »
WoW - please bear with me, it's been a LONG time since I posted on the BF board as my boyare 7 and 11.... so here goes

When you feed over the next couple of days - really watch to see how much is active sucking and swallowing vs hanging on but actually just 'nibbling at the nipple'.

You  might like to try some breast compression to up the amount that he takes - especially helpful after you have observed what he is doing and if he is feeding well.

I hope someone can come along with more recent experiences - how often are you feeding? 

While you say that he is 'feeding' at night - I wonder actually if he IS feeding at night.  I know that this will be hard, but it may be an idea to again, watch to see WHAT he is doing during that night feeding.  It IS lovely that he is feeding at night 'hanging off' but he may actually  not be getting anything at all.  Try and pay attention to what is going on may be an answer.

Can you ring a breastfeeding helpline for ideas?
Is your HV supportive of BF and does she KNOW what she's talking about.

When Matthew was not gaining weight, I went back to watching the position, concentrating on what I was doing (especially once they become more aware at 4mths), I started breast compressions and things got much better from there.

Hope that my  memories and ideas help!!


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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 23:34:42 pm »
A yield actually isn't a good indicator of how much baby is taking in as they are so much more efficient than a pump! How is his output - ie wet and poopy diapers, his mood, etc? Here they don't encourage frequent weighing so tbh I had no idea where on the centiles my kids were just went by there overall health. Oh were they using growth charts meant for bf babies?

Offline katyusha

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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 00:04:51 am »
Thank you, ladies! Yes, WHO breast feeding growth charts. Nappy output is normal: 1-3 soiled nappies and about 5 heavily wet disposable nappies. He seems happy, now finally breathing normally (we had brocholitis a month ago), trying to turn, etc. Bang at 3 months old he went up a clothing size from 0-3 to 3-6 months, so that was giving me comfort that he is growing normally. However, we are stuck on a centile and a half below the one he was on originally. I will pay closer attention. One thing that was annoying is that on a few occasions in the past he did not finish the expressed bottles, which made me feel that he must be getting enough. But then again maybe one feed is different from the other. I will pay closer attention. HV wanted me to express in the morning and i do not have the time at the moment.

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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2014, 00:37:18 am »
Many LOs find their natural curve having been born on a different curve altogether. Some appear to start on a higher centile line because they were born after their due date or because mama was given fluids during labour which artificially inflated their weight.

If your LO has been sick then that easily could have restricted his weight gain. He may start gaining at a greater rate now he is geting back to full strength.

I'm sure there are some great HVs out there but I often find they want to give advice (to give formula or pump)just so they feel they have covered the bases when in fact no particular action is needed.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2014, 08:07:47 am »
My 3rd was born on the 90th centile and plummeted to the 8th by the time he was 4 months old.  No problems with feeding, no illnesses, he just didn't gain weight the way he "should" have done.  As he was my third I was perfectly happy to go with the flow, and I was really lucky to see a hv who looked at him and said that he looked perfectly happy and healthy and there was nothing to worry about.  They weighed him more often to keep an eye on him but nobody suggested supplementing or anything.  He did have reflux - I have no idea whether that had anything to do with it or not, as we got it under control fairly quickly.

All this to say: trust yourself.  If you think he is doing okay, happy and healthy, then don't worry about the numbers.  They are just a guideline to give health professionals an early heads-up when it is necessary rather than something that every baby has to follow to be healthy.

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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2014, 09:02:41 am »
My DD2 was born the 95th centile and by 4 months was at the 9th centile where she has stayed. Even at 4 she is fine featured so I presume the 9th centile is what she naturally is.

Honestly I wouldn't worry too much. If you are getting enough nappies and baby is content then I think everything is going really well x

Offline katyusha

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Re: Slow weight gain
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2014, 13:47:43 pm »
Thank you All, it has been reassuring to read your posts! I think everyone in our family is on a slimmer side and this was by far my biggest and chubbiest baby with those nice arm and thigh folds...and I was thinkig he was taking after my mum, calm, content and not skinny.  So i don't want him to get slimmer to conform to our family average. ;) he seems to have only put on 200 g in 2 weeks, so will go and see HV and pump more. Maybe the problem is my poor night sleep, like one of you said, he maybe hangs on a breast at night not actually getting anything.