I have a boy who was born at 3.370 kg, so between 25th and 50th centiles and was still on that centile space at 2 weeks. Since week 7 his weight started growing slower slipping to the 9th centile. We had been sick and he slipped as low as the 2nd (actually losing weight) and has now regained back to 9th centile, but for the last 2 weeks we seem to be stuck on the 9th centile. So at 17 weeks (4 months) he is just under 6 kg, when ideally he would be 6.5 or bigger.
GP asked me a month ago if I would consider formula and I said no, as he was refusing expressed milk and was sick anyway. Now I still do not want to do formula but I am tired. He is a third kiddie and I do get help with the other two, still, there is not enough time to express regularly to increase milk supply. When I pump I get about 100 mls, which suggests his feed is probably 100-120 mls. He hangs on a breast all night, so I often find myself hunched in bed in the morning not recalling actually laying down. I will get to see HV soon, but am a bit worried.
Also, my older son has allergies, could this baby also have allergies contributing to poor weight gain? Don't know. Any advice?