Author Topic: 15 wks old - transition EASY  (Read 1614 times)

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15 wks old - transition EASY
« on: December 28, 2014, 12:46:11 pm »
Hi there,
Im a new member - a firt time mom - a non English speaking background...
And my LO is 15weeks old (the tough - messy - horible....period :) )
So would u pls use E as simple as possible to help me & LO passing this time. Many thanks.

2 wks ago LO followed 3hr routine 7-7 quite good w 3naps,1CN & 2NF. The only problem was all naps were CNs 30-40min. But I alwys sent him back to sleep for more than 1h after each CN.
I mix feed (1 -1 BF & Bottle)

- Dropping the amount of botttle feed from 120ml to 100ml -70 ml- 50ml- 20ml...
- At BF: He pop in & out for couple òf min then stop.
- Pooping hardly w thick dark poo for 5days - then 2 days of running green poo - then STOP pooping for 5days - then 1 green running again - and STOP again for 3days up to now
- CN changed from 30-40 min to 45min
- NW some days every hour. Some 30min.
- EW 4h30, 5h30, 6h30

So I thought I need to increase A &E.
I started by increase A from 1h30 to 1h40. He slept through naps for first day but from the secondday...
His day becomes
W: 6:30 - 6:45
E: 7:00 (bottle) 50-70ml max
S: 8:00- 8:25 (A:1:40 or 1:30 depend how many NWs)
CN 45min
Cry & resettle by me or himself 15 -30m
CN : 45min

We come back the circle EAS after his second CN so we dropped to 3naps in a day time but he still not interested in feeding.

I next increase E to 3.5 sometimes 4hr but he still took a bit.
The last 2days, I still give him 1:40A but just feed when he cry (E time now seem to be 4hr) but sometimes just 3hr.

however, with 6CNs a day he becomes tired & yawn all the time after wake up. Cranky -of course :(. Sigh... He nned to be cuddle for whole day :(. &cant be alone over 3min...:(

Im really confusing now. Cause his signs look like hes starting WW. But he kicks both legs up frequently and not pooping as usual make me feel maybe hes in some pain???
And hes in the transition time as well so im not sure whats going on w my LO.

 dont need to say... i nearly die w those changing... :(
What should I do? :(

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 19:42:27 pm »
Hello and welcome.  What is your native language? 

It sounds like your LO is in pain or unwell at the moment.  I don't think routine changes will help until that is addressed?  Can you get in to see the doctor?


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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2014, 05:53:13 am »
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for the reply. I cant get into any doctor now cause New Year is coming & LO Dad not really happy for me to bring LO to GP.  :-\ Daddy wants to use the VN way as putting some medicine into LO bottom to help poo come out  :-X. I probably NOT agree.... So I will queue up in front of the Medical Centre tomorrow w hope I can take any available spot. Finger cross.

Im still thinking routine should be concerned cause after folow the new routine LO just wake up 2 times for feeding & 1EW (5:30).
Yesterday I pushed BT up to 6:00. I cluster feed at 4:30(BF) & 6:00(60ml formula). He up at 9:30. I BF him 1side (cause busy so I just stop). He up again at 12:30 & I again BF him 1 side (again busy w cleaning :(( ).
He up at 2:30 AM. Formula 120ml.
He slept until....7AM. Woo hoo. :)

That makes me think...routine should be changed.

- Is that rite when I need to keep day time as 13hours? Lets say if he wake at 7Am, he should asleep at 8Pm?
- When I need to do top up feed: do I need to give as much as he want or just 1-2 ounce? Like yesterday he felt asleep around 2ounce so should I wake him up to take more or thats enough?
- When he woke up at 2AM, he did not cry but just my feeling so I fed him 120ml formula. Should I do it again?
- if we have 2CN 45min in 1S time, can I count as he sleep 1h30?
- and in 1EAS cycle if after 1h40A, he nap for 45min then wake for 15min then nap again 45min. Can I count A time as 1h40 + 15min = 1h55m A???
Can the routine change day by day depend on how his naps go(just keep the same WU time)? Ex: as today on the 3rd nap he just takes 45min & cant come back to sleep. So I wake him up & feed. Then provide another CN after 1hour & do BT at 7Pm. Can it work that way?

Thanks so much for the advices ♥
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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2014, 18:12:00 pm »
today is bad.
After nurse LO at 4:30pm (BF) & 6:30(formula 120ml). He again WU 9ish & 12ish even tonight I feed him 2sides od breast.
Then he WU at 2:20 & not cry. So I decided let him back to sleep.....
WU.... at 4ish & cry... :'( & just take 40ml then....sucking fingers then cooing the whole way to sleep...

Am I doing sthing wrong?  :'(

Whats APOP? I should treat NW w APOP rather than feeding rite?
He WU the same time every night so is that a sign of habit & not hungry?  ???

Should I feed him again at 2:20 to make sure he can sleep until 7?
Should I cut 1 feed 9ish or 12ish cause he start WU at that time as habit
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Offline jessmum46

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2015, 09:07:35 am »
You look like you're doing just fine :). APOP is 'accidental parenting on purpose' ie any of those 'bad habits' like feeding, rocking, cuddling etc that you do on purpose to get LO back to sleep to avoid too much overtiredness.  As long as it is used sparingly it can be very helpful to avoid a very tired LO. 

How have things been?

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2015, 11:28:55 am »
Hello Katherine,
Hows ur New Year?

Thought u missed my post  ;D so I just log in everyday to check ur reply :)

He bowled for 3days in a row then... stop today :-[  Iam going to wait for a few more day to see.

EASY is still mixed up even his constipation is controled
Sometimes he not cry for feed up to 5hours... just ASAS
Sometimes he WU (at Nap) & cry an hour. Even me, I cant resettle him. (Normally I let him cry for a while & he'll back to sleep. If not, I will use my voice & hold his hand. If he cant settle I will rock, pat & sing lullabies. He's definitely knocked down in this point). So I decided to feed him but he still take a little.

I upsized his teats. (We used slow flow before).
I brought him to weight at GP. Doctor said his weight is over average a bit. I know sound good but acctually his weight was on TOP of the graph now "drop" to --- over a bit ----. Does that mean he ....lost weight?

I really dont know how to put E onto the routine so I just... force him take 120mlx3times formula & 4 times BF in 24hours.

Let say if he's in WW, so he would take less milk until wk 19 or 20? I mean until he pass WW?

He will be 16wks old on 8/1 (4m.o). Should I increase his A to 1h50? Cause he has 45min CN & start to cry when I put him down on cot (Our A is 1h40).

Finally, I know I asked A LONG LIST of questiones  :P. But this is my only child & the way I follow BW is huge difference from my culture. Family & friends cant help me to answer those questions. Would u please help me to clear all so I can adjust EASY later myself .

Thanks love.
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Offline jessmum46

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2015, 13:19:06 pm »
Happy new year to you too :)

It is hard to do something different to how your family would normally do things, but I hope you will find lots of support here.

His weight sounds ok to me, some movement between centiles is normal in the first few months.  If your doctor wasn't concerned, try not to worry.  Sorry to hear the constipation is ongoing though.  Do you think the formula may be the cause?

Usually the wonder weeks don't mean LO takes less milk.  I would be looking at other reasons - maybe he isn't hungry when you try to feed him (is he feeding every 3h?).  Teething?  (Both mine had teeth by 16 weeks).  Illness? 

If he is having 45 minute naps, waking still tired but you can't resettle then yes I would try another 5-10 mins A time and see if that helps.

Ask as many questions as you like :). I will do my best to answer x

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2015, 09:17:07 am »
I asked so many already.(pls reread others above. Hehe)

I used to try to wait up to 5hours but he didnt cry. Actually he did cry a bit but as soon as I pick him up he stoped so I dunt think that was hungry. Plus he would cry when he see im holding A Bottle :((. He still accept BF but just take 1 side then....bif SMILE :)
His NW as well. He WU not cry. But if I not feed him, he would up again every hour... If I feed he will go through the night...

Teething? How can I know if he teething or not? He now put everything into his mouth but its also typical for this age. So I have no idea hes teething or just development.

I have 1 small issue now. He crys while sleeping now. Every single sleep. He would cry with closed eyes. After I resettle him, he cry again after a few min.

Constipation. Haizzz. I changed from S26 Gold to Original then using Aptamil now for 4days but seem Haizzz. Should I try another formula?
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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2015, 13:33:50 pm »
Sorry hun I'm not sure exactly which questions I missed  :-[  was it about night feeds?  NWs at the same time every night might be habit, but to be honest at this age I would feed if it has been more than 3-4 hours since the last feed.  Otherwise I would try to resettle.  I probably wouldn't actively try to wean night feeds though until LO is older and established on solids or refusing milk in the mornings.

Teething can be hard to say for sure as like you said LOs will put everything in their mouths.  You don't know for certain until the tooth appears ;). If you think it may be teething, you can try pain meds but if they make no difference it probably isn't the reason.

If you are trialling new formulas I would have thought you'd need to stick with something for at least 2-3 weeks to see any changes x

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2015, 03:35:13 am »
Question here dar :) 
- Is that rite when I need to keep day time as 13hours? Lets say if he wake at 7Am, he should asleep at 8Pm?
- When I need to do top up feed: do I need to give as much as he want or just 1-2 ounce? Like yesterday he felt asleep around 2ounce so should I wake him up to take more or thats enough?
- When he woke up at 2AM, he did not cry but just my feeling so I fed him 120ml formula. Should I do it again?
- if we have 2CN 45min in 1S time, can I count as he sleep 1h30?
- and in 1EAS cycle if after 1h40A, he nap for 45min then wake for 15min then nap again 45min. Can I count A time as 1h40 + 15min = 1h55m A???
Can the routine change day by day depend on how his naps go(just keep the same WU time)? Ex: as today on the 3rd nap he just takes 45min & cant come back to sleep. So I wake him up & feed. Then provide another CN after 1hour & do BT at 7Pm. Can it work that way?

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 09:23:34 am »
Day length should be a max of 13h, generally I would say 12-12.5h is optimal for most LOs.  The long days of 13h often come just before nap transitions ie 3-2 naps or 2-1 when it becomes difficult to fit everything into a shorter day.  So with a 7am WU I would aim for 7/7.30pm bedtime.

If top-up feeds are needed I would let LO take what he needs.  I wouldn't wake him to take extra.

Personally I wouldn't feed or go to LO at night unless crying.  If he's hungry he will let you know, and if not he may fall back to sleep without your help.  That said, it is important to trust your mum instinct and if he is making hungry noises you may choose to feed before it escalates into full blown crying.

Two 45 minute catnaps if they are close together, ie he sleeps 45 mins, you spend a few minutes resettling and he sleep another 45 mins I would count as 1h30 sleep.  If there is a significant gap between them ie he sleeps 45 mins, is up an hour then sleeps again then that's more like 2 catnaps. 

Time spent resettling I wouldn't count as A time unless LO doesn't actually resettle.  In which case you count A time from when LO woke up. 

Yes the routine will change day to day, babies aren't machines ;) and the beauty of EASY is that it gives you a structure to work with without specifying exact times.

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2015, 11:42:15 am »
 :-* Thank u so much Katherine   :-*

Haizzz. This week problem:
Constipation. He poop 1 in every 3 days w green & really soft (nearly like fluid). Doctor keeps saying "thats ok"...

Appetite. Still taking 1 side of B if BF & 70-80ml formula if FF every FOUR hours.  :-\ that makes im thinking my milk supply is dropping now :( & im keep confusing mysellf for E time. I wanna keep him up to 4hours to make him more hungry but then he didnt cry & not take much. So stimes I come back 3h feeding stimes 4h.

Weight. Gain 50gr in.... TEN days  :'(. Should I force him taking more milk?

Teething. I can see 1 little white dot in his gum. Is that tooth? (Really really small dot)

Sleep. ENW.... 5ish, 6ish. He cried but not much. Around 5-10min. Should I feed him? I actually feed him at 5ish then next feed is 8ish. But he always cry at 8ish feed.

We have less tummy time & active play time cause we moved into a smaller place. He just has quiet time at A time now. Does it affect E?

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Re: 15 wks old - transition EASY
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2015, 11:45:29 am »
U should say he has no active play...
I stay in a single bed & he is in his cot. Stuff on the floor... he has no space to move.... I feel sorry for him... & feel he is going backwards...  :'(
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