Author Topic: Allergic Reactions, now what?  (Read 1896 times)

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Offline goldmom

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Allergic Reactions, now what?
« on: January 14, 2015, 18:29:35 pm »
DS2 has now had an allergic reaction twice. I'm not great about keeping track of what he's eating since we haven't had allergies with any of the other two. Originally I thought his first reaction was from broccoli, cauliflower or cranberry sauce (and I figured it was easy to stay away from them), but now I think he may have had apple or pears then also (I didn't think those could be a problem, so I haven't been paying attention to him munching on a small stick of them). He just got a reaction again, the hives near his mouth and rash on his legs started appearing on Tuesday morning - does this mean he was allergic to something from Monday, or could it have been Sunday? He had an apple sunday, pear on Monday, but also some chicken with sauce, which is what I was originally thinking on Monday night. (he possibly had apple and or pears by his first reaction, but I was focusing on his dinner, I didn't consider those two, I'm not sure how often he gets either of these, I just give him a piece whenever the older ones have some, but he'd have apples more than pears).

Should I eliminate apples, pears, and all sauces for now just to make sure. His rash is pretty bad now and I don't want to start testing out foods to see if he'll get the reaction again. How long should I wait until I try, the apple and pear seemed so innocuous, but I'm totally having second thoughts after reading through some of the posts here. I think he has had apples puree without a problem, but I don't think any pear puree.

How can I prepare chicken for him without sauces (I usually cut a small piece of chicken that we're eating into tiny pieces and he likes eating that and is able to chew the small, soft pieces)? Can using spices be a problem? What about tomato sauce (had some with meatballs last week and he was fine after)?

How long after eating allergy inducing foods would the hives/rash appear?

Offline abbysmomma

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2015, 20:53:59 pm »
So, generally allergic reactions appear within a few minutes to at mostly 2 hours after exposure. So most likely it is something he ate tuesday morning. And 90% of food allergies are due to a top 8 (dairy wheat egg nuts soy peanut shellfish fish). That said, we have also had hives and rashes due to a plain old virus (like how some kids get runny noses, mine gets hives). I would suggest talking to your doctor about arranging an appointment with an allergist and in the meantime keeping a food diary.

Good luck. My ds1 was about that age when i realized he had a whole host of food allergies. I hope it's something innocuous for your ds.

Offline goldmom

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2015, 23:52:43 pm »
So if the rash keeps getting worse and worse (darker and spreading more - now on his cheeks/chin, feet and arms) does that indicate more of a virus than a food allergy? I think if it's not significantly improved tomorrow morning we will be going to his doctor. It doesn't help that he looks like he's about to cut his top tooth soon too.  :-\

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2015, 05:13:59 am »
Oh dear... your poor ds. Is he having any other symptoms? Vomitting, gi problems, wheezing, lethargy? I would definitely see your doc asap if it looks worse. Is he itchy? An anti-histamine would probably help. Hope you get some info soon!

Offline goldmom

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2015, 12:55:49 pm »
He's not having any other symptoms, no vomitting, gi problems, normal diapers, no wheezing (though he sounds a bit hoarse), and not lethargic. It doesn't look worse this morning, but not better either. He's definitely itchy. I'll be calling the dr's office when they open this morning to see what they say.

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2015, 14:06:00 pm »
It's hard when they're so little and unable to verbalize whats going on. I hope you get some answers!

Offline goldmom

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2015, 18:52:29 pm »
The doctor diagnosed him with Coxsackie virus, not food allergies. He thinks both episodes were connected, but the first time since it was a smaller outbreak (just his cheaks and knees, this is all over except his tummy and back) he didn't get full immunity from it, but likely this one will give him that immunity and it shouldn't keep repeating (at least from this episode).

I am so relieved it's not an allergy, I was so nervous! Thanks abbysmomma for mentioning the possibility of it being a virus, I hadn't thought about that.

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Re: Allergic Reactions, now what?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2015, 20:00:55 pm »
I'm so relieved he's ok! Woohoo!