Author Topic: 11 week old nap and now nighttime sleep issues!  (Read 7126 times)

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Re: 11 week old nap and now nighttime sleep issues!
« Reply #60 on: January 28, 2015, 19:26:10 pm »
Lots of hugs, hon. I really don't know how to help you other than tell you that all these things pass and that things WILL get better.
I know how hard it is when they are unwell and when things go off track and there is nothing you can do other than offer lots of sleep and try to tackle the feeding issue. When things are better again you can start ST again and tackle A times again.
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Offline sparklewings1984

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Re: 11 week old nap and now nighttime sleep issues!
« Reply #61 on: January 29, 2015, 12:02:36 pm »
Ok I'm now convinced silent reflux is at play so he is back on the gaviscon and I'm going to try and get some ranitidine next week from the doc. I have managed to get him down for 2 naps today without the screaming by putting him on his side. The first nap he was screaming on his back and as soon as I turned him into his side the crying totally stopped. Only a 30 min nap but still much better than the last week of hell.

I'll keep on with the gaviscon and side sleeping and try and keep his first nap in the cot every day. He was probably OT today at the first nap as his A time had been 1hr 50 by the time he went to sleep. This second nap I got him asleep by 1hr 45 but he was probably already a bit OT from this morning.

We have snow here so I'm going to struggle to get a decent nap out of him today with not being able to go out in the pram (snow is about 3 inches deep and i might struggle with the pram...might give it a try though!).

I feel a bit happier now that *I think* I might have figured out the problem...but equally feel terrible that he has been suffering for so long.

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: 11 week old nap and now nighttime sleep issues!
« Reply #62 on: January 29, 2015, 19:46:03 pm »
It does take sometimes for us to figure out what's going. There is no reason to feel guilty, your baby can't talk yet and say what's bothering him, you can only guess which is sometimes close to impossible. You got it now and that's what's important.
I hope that he feels better soon.
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Offline sparklewings1984

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Re: 11 week old nap and now nighttime sleep issues!
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2015, 08:41:51 am »
Thanks for your kind words and all your help so far. I'm going to leave the ST until I have his meds sorted, I'm waiting for an appointment with the paediatrician in the next week or two and until then I will just be trying to keep him comfortable and well rested.

I'll be back in a few weeks to really make a go of the ST. I am hopeful that everything will become much easier because I am now convinced he has been waking from pain every time.