Thanks Laura for the reply. I'm new here so please bare with me...what is an EASY? Also I don't really have a nap routine per se. But when I sense he's getting ready we lay down together and snuggle him with his special blanket and I read him a book. Bed time do bath, book, bottle and then swaddle. Up until recently he had no issues with going down for naps or bedtime...all of a sudden though, he's fighting it. You can tell he's exhausted. He used to stay down for most of the night but now he seems to be waking hour, wailing. It could be a combination of things: we just moved a week ago. He could be teething and he's going through a developmental leap. I just want my guy to sleep. He's an incredibly happy baby when he's awake, it's just going to sleep. Any help would be awesome. I put a fan in his room tonight to hopefully provide some white noise to help him sleep. Thanks in advance.