Author Topic: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!  (Read 3913 times)

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2015, 19:40:38 pm »
Hi, how old is he now? That first A time doesn't have to be short, in fact, for some babies it suits them if that's the longest A time of the day. It is important that the first A time is a good length, to help distinguish night from day and discourage wakings through the early morning hours. Of course LO will wake when hungry and should be fed but excessive wakings through the early AM can be related to short first A time.

A 50 min nap is usually UT, not OT. That said, you're probably close to the right A time there if he resettles. I note that didn't happen on the day you posted though.
After a short nap, you may need to reduce the following A time by approximately half the lost sleep.

A time before BT is usually about the same as the rest of the A times through the day, sometimes a little longer or shorter depending on the child but if you start off with them pretty much the same, you can tweak from there.

The regression is to do with development. The sleep cycles become more pronounced and LO has to learn how to transition through the light sleep stage between each cycle. It's these wakings which tend to happen at 40-50min. That could be the culprit for your first nap by after that, 30 min naps are classic OT.

What is your LO's temperament? Spirited? Touchy? This can have a bearing on nap and BT routine. What are you doing at PD? I note he's taking a while to get to sleep which means it's likely he's going to bed UT and then ending up OT because he is havin trouble getting to sleep.  He's unlikely to be happy about being put in bed when not tired, so that could be the reason for some of the crying.

Not sure what to suggest without those answers:
1. Current age of your LO
2. Temperament of your LO

Offline Mommyadel

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2015, 03:35:50 am »
Try this as a guide... U might have to move your bedtime earlier if they are waking early until they can get on a schedule. If you have to increase a time do it in 10-15min increments a few days at a time to get the proper a time. Doing it all at once will cause an over tired baby.
 Read it over and let me know if you have any questions.. Hang in there momma!

What are A times?

A (Activity) time is all the time LO is awake.  It includes feeding, diaper changes, playtime, winding down, shh/pat and the going to sleep process.  In other words, any time your baby is not in a stage of sleep is A time.

If your plan is to have 1.5 hours of A time keep in mind the length of your winddown and how long it takes your baby to actually fall asleep.  As a result, you may be starting the wind down after 1 hour and have him in the crib at 1 hour 15 minutes to allow 15 minutes to go to sleep.  Spirited (and sometimes Touchy) bubs may need a short winddown and a short going to sleep process so adjust this timing accordingly.

While you should always watch your baby for sleepy cues to decide when to put him down, you do want to have a general idea of how much A time you are aiming for.  Sometimes the first yawn (with young babies what about particular types??) can be too late.  Furthermore, after 6 months some older babies either stop giving sleep cues or the normal cues are no longer reliable.  This is not meant to encourage clock-watching, but instead help you learn your baby's (new) cues & respond to his needs accordingly.

How Do I Adjust EASY if I have a Short Napper?

Short naps really throw a wrench into the EASY plan!  30 minute naps usually mean OT (overtired) and 45 minute naps can mean OT or UT (undertired).  Knowing that will help you to plan an appropriate A time for your baby.  For example, if he had 1 hour A time and did a 45 minute nap he may have needed a longer A time.  If, on the other hand, he had 2 hours A time and did a 30 minute nap he likely needed a shorter A time.

Whatever the reason for the short nap, they won’t be well rested when they wake up and therefore won’t be able to tolerate normal (for their age) A times.  For at least the next cycle (and possibly all day) you will need to reduce A times.

Between the short naps and adjusting the subsequent A time(s) your EASY will look more like EASAS or EASAEAS.  This is okay; it’s important for LO to have more naps in a day if they are all short.  Your main goal at this point is to accumulate enough day sleep overall and continue to encourage independent sleep.

Therefore, if your baby has a short nap and you can’t settle him back down for more sleep (count all resettling time as A time if baby does not fall back asleep), they may have a short, quiet A time outside of the crib, but possibly not outside of his bedroom, and then go back for another nap before it’s time for the next feed.  Try your best to fit the feeds around the short naps (granted, this can be difficult!!) which may mean feeding slightly earlier or later depending on when the nap falls.  With short napping it’s generally more important for them to get back on track with sleep to avoid OT than it is to have their feed exactly on time.

So although you may plan your day with the “regular” A times in mind, the subsequent A time (and the rest of your day) depends on the length of this first nap.  If the first nap is long enough (usually greater than an hour) repeat the length of the first A time in the next EASY cycle.  If, however, the first nap is short (less than 45 min) shorten your next A time by at least 30 minutes.  Hopefully this will allow LO to have the next nap as long as necessary in order to get back on track with EASY.

How do I know my baby is ready to increase their A times?

With regards to whether it's time to extend A time, your lo is the best gauge of that. Signs are if he's starting to be more difficult to get to sleep for his naps, or if his naps start to be cut short – this means that his body’s not quite tired enough to relax enough for a longer, more refreshing nap. It's always best to increase A time in increments, usually of around 10-15 mins. Any more could result in an overtired & cranky lo.

When you are upping A times some babies HATE it!! This is a situation where we say 'Mummy knows best!'. Once they are used to the A time push- this only takes a day or 2- they are much happier and sleeping better. Also- they can seem tired and grumpy- when they actually need a change in scenery.

What are the Average A times for my baby?

Here is a general guideline of what you can expect regarding awake time for your lo: (remember some babies get a little more, some a little less. It's just a rough guideline)

Awake time for babies
Newborn 50-60 mins
1 month 60 mins-hour and 15
2 months 1 hour and 15 - 20 mins
3 months 1 hour and 20 - 30 mins
4 months 1 hour and 45 - 2 hours
5 months 2 hours - 2.25 hours
Late 5 months/early 6 months 2.25-2.5 hours
6.5 - 7 months 2.75-3 hours. Some are getting more.
8 - 10 months 3 - 4 hours. Some are getting more.
11 - 12 months 3.5 -4.5 hours. Some are getting more if moved early to 1 nap

Offline Melworldwide

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2015, 15:41:33 pm »

I thought I would check back in to update on where we are at - I've seen quite a few people reading this thread so I hope this may be useful for someone.

I was trying for weeks at around 1h50 A time, 1h55, 1h45, and was so confused at the constant 30m naps. It was driving me mad! I bit the bullet this week, and did a big A time push and realised DS is at about 2h30 for all naps, and 5 months + 1 week.. It seems he did a massive A time jump and his 30m naps were under tired!

His nights are starting to settle now too. Thanks so much newkidontheblock for the support its very much appreciated  :)

Offline Kiramusa

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2015, 16:23:58 pm »
Hi there
I am having exactly the same situation. Lo seems to be on a routine but in practice frankly he is not... Short naps, feeds all over the place, ot, nw, etc.  I reread "the BWSolves all your problems" book and found the answer! I wont quote the whole chapter here so i recommend u read the chapter "Pick up/put down" (pg 219 in my book...). Main point is to stick to exact times while training lo. Same time feeds, same time naps. Only for the time to get on track.  I am only in day two (out of the 2 weeks to go), but already see changes. My lo is 3.5 month old and we are planning to move to 4h easy within these two weeks. Precise instructions are given in that chapter. Good luck! Hope we all finally get there)))

Offline Melworldwide

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2015, 10:04:59 am »
Hi @Kiramusa

Thanks - I haven't got the book but maybe I should if you are seeing results! This is what I would love, to follow an EASY but with set times. But different wake up times every day mean an inconsistent pattern. Sometimes LO wakes at 5am and I can't get him back to sleep, so our first nap would be 7.30am! Its driving me crazy and no wonder each night is different, if each day is too. Poor baby doesn't know where he is  :'(
I am stuck on 30 minute naps again and just pushing A times again after a 2 hour cot party last night. Fingers crossed.

Thanks again.

Offline Mommyadel

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2015, 04:23:51 am »
Ok so what is the LO doing now for an easy routine ? My LO use to do that at night time too, I've moved her from 3 naps to 2 naps a day. I too was dealing with the 45/30 min naps but now she sleeps 1:20hr in the morning and an 1:20hrs in the afternoon. And if she gets a crappy 30 min nap the. I try to push her out to bedtime. But I also pushed her to that over a few weeks. The morning is the best time to get best nap since she just had a long sleep. But try not to get too worked up about the schedule and some easy times might be EASEAEAS because of the 30 min naps and might have to tweet your feeding times to accommodate the naps. ( if she sleeps at 10am and she eats at 10:15.. Then feed her at 10 and then put her for a nap) make sense?
Hope that helps!

Offline Melworldwide

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2015, 14:19:15 pm »
Thanks hon.
Our routine is all over the place, I think he's in the 3-2 too. 4 nights of 2 hours + wakings - I am broken! But usually 30m - 30m - 30m or 1.5h - 30m - 20m. With A times around 2h45.. Its mathematical isn't it, having a baby? So it all adds up to bedtime. But each combination of the above has resulted in the NWs so am going to drop his CN and hope this fixes things.
Im also going to try to implement set times as it's the only way we'll get some kind of structure. But he loves his 30m naps so it isn't going to be easy!! (or EASY, haha)
So what do your typical days do now? And you had these crazy NWs too in the past? Its encouraging to hear you're through the other side. I think we had a messy 4-3, then 3-2 happened straight after so its been all of the place these last 2 months. Determined to fix it!

Offline Mommyadel

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Re: 16 week old - can't get into a routine due to short naps!
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2015, 14:35:52 pm »
My typical routine is
Wake 5:30
Eat 7am
Activity 7-9
Eat 11
Activity 11-2
Eat 3
Activity 3-6
6-7 bath, bottle bed
But my LO is just getting over the rota virus and has dropped her dream feed and is waking at around 1am to feed ughhhh!! So I'm going to post and see what I can do to rectify. My LO was the same way and I was dying for some kind of routine so I set the first feed mark at 7am. So even if she wakes at 5/5:30 she won't be feed until 7am and that starts my routine. I dropped her Napa from 3-2 and it was hard as it resulted in an ot baby. She has come along way and if ur increasing activity time do it slowly.