We do supper including milk and a little bit of TV, then up for bath (alternate nights) and have daddy/DS time whilst I get the bath/night clothes ready - they play hide and seek or play with a balloon or something. After bath we do teeth, dress, into sleeping bag and stories. We get all sorts of messing about, wanting to avoid getting into sleep bag, wanting different stories etc so we have come up with about 3/4 ways to get DS into his bag e.g. Flying into bag, rolling into bag, sat on chair getting into bag (!!) and then for stories we let DS choose the books and this seems to then keep his attention to sit and read them. We did have a phase of wanting to read books sat on the floor, then on a chair, then sat in his cot, then laid on the floor so we just went with it and read them all over the place!! At the moment he is content to sit on my knee again. After stories we have a little ritual of turning out the sunshine and his musical seahorse toy (he has to do it -Mr independent), then big cuddles and into bed. It's a pretty long and drawn out ritual but I find this tends to work most nights within out too much fussing. HTH.