Author Topic: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!  (Read 3885 times)

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2015, 04:53:39 am »
Heidi I need your help! So last night both went down well both asleep by 7pm h had an hr nap on the go in two halves and j about 45mins in two sections. However h woke at 4.30am and wouldn't go back to sleep then he woke j just after 5. Both are grumpy and upset so dh took them downstairs about 5.40am. No sign of top canines yet. It's so annoying cos since the time change they were actually waking later.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2015, 13:58:23 pm »
Ahh yikes! I couldn't get on last night after work, the site was not working!

Has 7 pm been the standard bedtime for quite some time Laura? Wondering if they may need it pushed back a bit as I find with E and lsn if I want her to nap (and dear lord I do!!) I have to cut the time from her night. Or shift it so her shorter nights dont result in ew...we do an 8 or 8:30 bedtime now (8 pm has been forever, just recently started shifting later). Wake up varies between 6:30/7 am, sometimes sooner if I let her have a too long nap the prior day.

As for teeth, we cannot see or feel anything but she is drooling and jamming her fingers in her mouth like crazy. Did ibuprofen at bed and at 3 am and she woke up singing so it must not have worn off yet. We are getting major separation anxiety right now too.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2015, 18:17:31 pm »
Yes getting sa here too from h mainly and he's not the clingy one!

H was so grumpy they went down for their nap early and I let them have 2hrs. They were really ot. We'll see what tonight brings h has been gnawing on everything!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2015, 18:47:06 pm »
Fx for tonight! Yeah the SA is really bad this time around as I think a new awareness of me being gone for work has finally hit and dh is not very patient with her, so makes her want to go with him even less. I wonder if the teething is contributing as if they are feeling crappy they just want us!

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2015, 20:45:22 pm »
SO... yesterday they napped for two hours, were asleep a little after 7pm and I didn't hear them until 6.15am !!!!  I could hear H chatting so he'd probably been awake for a little while.  J was still laying down - I think desperate for H to shut up! ;)

Today H has been really tired and clingy.  We woke them after 1.5hrs but H still fell asleep in the car this afternoon at 4pm.  Not sure what's going on.  Took H a little while to fall asleep because of that I think.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2015, 00:51:27 am »
Wow awesome night boys! Lol at J being desparate for his brother to be quiet!

Hmm could be down to teeth/growth spurt stuff...fx it is not that he is coming down with something as that is my only other thought.

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2015, 06:27:12 am »
Well last night not as good. J woke at 12.30 but he'll just have a quick cuddle and back to bed. H woke at 3.30 and took lots of up down to settle but did settle himself eventually.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: I need them to start sleeping better at night. 17mths nearly!
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2015, 12:55:06 pm »
Some days I wonder if these babies have their own forum...E was up at like 4:30 and took ages to settle. Glad that they did resettle for you, I do really think it is all down to 18 month shenanigans combined with potential teething...which totally sucks because there is nothing really to fix it but time! I wish we lived closer, we could get these kids together and let them wear each other out! .