Hello! I wanted some tips/advice for my son's current schedule. A little back info: Diagnosed with reflux at 6 weeks old, which then turned into a milk protein allergy. We are still on a hypoallergenic formula (Alimentum) as well as Prevacid and he still spits up frequently but is gaining weight. Overall a happy baby and that's all I need! I also have a 2yo who has always been an angel baby and did anything without a fuss. This one.. not so much
We are on a modified 4-hour EASY due to his nap situation. He is also waking 1-2x a night but generally is only hungry at one of those times and the other I can usually get him back to sleep either by rocking or taking him in bed with us. I work full-time so I have to get my sleep somehow! Below is our general schedule.
E: 7/7:30 (5-6oz)
A: 7:30-9:15
S: 9:30-10:15
E: 11:30 (5-6oz)
S: 12:15-3:15 (I don't let him sleep over 3 hours but he probably would if I let him)
E: 3:15 (6oz)
A: 3:15-5:15
S: 5:15-6
Bedtime routine
7:00 Bath, Swaddle, Bottle
In bed by 7:30-7:45
Night wakings are very sporadic. He will sometimes go from 7:30-4:30/5 but other nights he will wake at 1:30 and then sleep until 7.
How does this look? This is a very loose schedule as his days vary by what's happening when he's with the sitter.
I will add that he generally falls asleep on his own and will only every now and then need a little help. He also wakes up from his 45 min naps very happy and chatty. This schedule seems to be working other than the sporadic NT wakings.