My lo is 8 months and ebf. I used to express up to 3 months but have not done it regularly since then. He took a bottle at 5 weeks once a day for 3 weeks and has been on and off since then. I've given up on bottle for the last 3 weeks. I originally wanted daddy to do bt feed but it was too stressful. Then afternoon, again, stressful. Then mil had some sucess. I'm not worried about it now as I know he waits till he sees me for a feed and mil only has him one day a week. But I can't get him to take any other fluid from cup or bottle!
I would really like him to be able to have some water from a cup/bottle as I will be going back to work soon ....and I work shifts! He is doing BLW and eating ok but is not taking to the sippy cup. I have tried standard ones (don't care about the mess) and other ones but he's just not interested.
If I'm honest, I would like my husband to maybe put him to bed too once in a while?
How can I get him to take sippy cup?