I5t is confusing when they start solids!
The number of milk feeds you have looks fine to me, I would leave the DF for a few more weeks until you have the solids better established though, do one thing at a time! 8oz is a normal sized bottle for a formula fed baby at this age, babies with breast milk in bottles do seem to take a bit less.
I think the idea with bringing the DF forward as well as decreasing it is that there will come a point when it's closer to the bedtime feed so they actually won't take it because they aren't hungry enough so you drop it while there is still some rather than keeping going until it's decreased to 0oz. We didn't DF so we dropped my DD's nightfeed at about 8 months by decreasing the amount we gave by 1oz every 3 nights until she got down to about 2oz. She slept through the night she would have had 2oz so we just offered water after that if she woke. If you wait until your DD is well settled on solids, so around the 8 month mark, she won't really need the calories from that feed as she will be getting extra during the day.
With a bottle feed there should be some left in the bottle at the end so they can stop because they are full and not just because the bottle is empty. If she drains her 7oz bottles you should really add another oz or 2 anyway.
Between 6 months and 9/10 months most bottle fed babies have 4 daytime bottles, some still have a DF or night feed. At about 9/10 months they drop to 3 bottles, usually morning, after lunch (just before nap) and bedtime. Until she gets closer to 1 keep solids to about an hour after milk feeds so she gets the majority of her nutrition from milk, if milk feeds decrease too quickly scale the solids back a bit. Mine both had finger foods and puree from 6 months, so one "meal" was just finger foods.