My boy is 6-month-old, we started solid when he was 5-month-old, for milk intake, we are doing mix feeding, most of the time, breast milk, one bottle per day to keep the bottle. he started dropping bottle a week ago, and the day before yesterday, he almost completely refused bottle, tried 2 times, every time 15~20ml formula. And started yesterday, he doesn’t want milk as much as he used to be either, not sure why , could it be having too much solid?
I don’t know how much he should have for solid, so just use the guideline from nestle, below is my boy’s EASY
we are doing 2h45mins A time, he still has 3 naps, I feed him breast milk every time after wake up (but yesterday & today, it doesn't work for him, I offer him breast when he wakes up, he just doesn't take it or only one side with probably 5mins), and one hour before nap time, feed him solid food, so 4 times a day.
1. 1/2Tbsp rice cereal + 1 Tbsp fruit (nestle product)
2. 1/2Tbsp beef with (nestle product)+ 1 Tbsp fruit (nestle product)
3. 1/2Tbsp rice cereal + 1 Tbsp fruit (nestle product)
4. 1/2Tbsp beef with + 1 Tbsp fruit (nestle product)
In total, 1Tbsp rice cereal + 1Tbsp beef + 4 Tbsp fruit or vegetable.
When feeding solid, I put him on rock chair, it’s hard to tell if he wants the food or not, most of the time he takes food pretty fast, sometimes he would just spit it out.
Can anyone please tell me what I should do to help him take enough milk as he is supposed to for him age? Thx.