My DS still has morning milk at 4yo+
Like your DD he really liked his big milk drink in the morning, not the second he woke, even as a baby he wouldn't take milk until about 30-60 min after WU, but even so it is very similar to your DD.
At 12 months he would have had his milk about 30 min after WU and breakfast roughly 1hr to 1.5hr later. He always took a good breakfast, the milk never interfered with his breakfast appetite.
These days the times have changed quite a bit, he doesn't wake as early for a start so the milk is later, then I give breakfast earlier because we have to get out to nursery so these days it is more like
7.15/7.30 milk (he has a full sippy cup 200ml - for a year or two he had a drinking bottle with a straw in the top as it held more milk)
7.45/8.00 breakfast
In fact this morning (WU 7am) he was playing in his play room so didn't come down for his milk right away and by the time he was down I had already put out the breakfast so he had both at once (7.45am). But keep in mind he is 4yo. Once in a while he doesn't drink all the milk, usually he drinks almost all of it, once in a blue moon he asks for more.
I see no harm at all in your DD continuing to have her morning milk and also having breakfast with the family. It doesn't even matter if she continues to have it in a bottle, the main point of switching bottles is to prevent LO walking around all day with a bottle which is bad for their teeth. If she just drinks it in a few mins and it's done (and all other drinks are served in a cup or sippy cup) then it isn't going to cause a problem.
It is still good for them to have a drink of milk each day even when they are older so don't worry too much about this. At DS's nursery they give fruit or carrots and little cartons of milk with a straw at snack time. My DS took the milk carton a few times for the novelty value but then didn't eat his lunch properly so I suggested to him he skip the milk and have his water with snack instead which is what he is used to.
I did choose to switch from the bottle at 12 months for BT and 13 months for WU because I was sick of having bottles around and because I knew I needed to change our BT routine to get the brushing done after milk (we were doing teeth, bath, pjs, bottle, song, bed. It had to change so I decided to totally change, introduced supper of sippy milk and solid snack before the BT routine started. I did a gentle wean which took less than 2 weeks, no disruption to sleep, no upset, very fast though). As your DD is taking most of her milk before teeth brushing I would just offer a bottle of water after instead. If it's too upsetting then how about a gentle wean over a week by watering down the milk (just water down the bit she has after the teeth are done), a third water, then two thirds water, then all water. Once she is used to just water after teeth it will be easier to switch to a sippy of water rather than bottle or switch to a sport bottle. Lots of people leave a drink of water by their toddler's bed.
The morning bottle I found harder to switch. DS really wanted the bottle and didn't have the patience for a sippy cup, he also really needed that big milk drink for his dairy intake. I switched instead to a wide straw. First by sitting him up for his milk (not laying), then popping a straw in his regular bottle, I had the teat ready to screw on quickly if/when he kicked off about it. It did seem harder but in the scheme of things it was still quite a quick and painless switch. Once he took the straw in his milk bottle I switched the baby bottle for a kids water bottle. I tried a few different types, with straw incorporated etc but found I couldn't get the straw properly clean so settled on those fat bendy disposable straws in a range of colours. He loved to choose his own colour each day too (I always rinsed them out and kept them for crafts - we are still using them for crafts now!!).
By the time all his day drinks were in a regular open cup his morning milk was then in a sippy cup which he still has. Honestly my kid would knock over or just drop a full cup of milk like that and he is happy to have the sippy first thing. When we went on holiday I took little milk cartons for his morning milk which he was fine with, novelty value again.
Hope this helps so you can decide what to do