Author Topic: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.  (Read 1153 times)

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Offline leannevdzee

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Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:50:36 am »

My baby is 5 Months 3 weeks old. She was a good sleeper up until 4 months when she got sick and started with night wakings.
She has since then made a habit of these night wakings and I am not sure who's advice to take anymore. The few friends of mine who have babies the same age all say their babies sleep through the night with no worries. On the other end of the spectrum my mom and family say that its quite normal for her to be waking up and I am expecting too much. Its my first baby and I am a bit clueless, but trying my best. I have started her on solids for about a month now. Porridge for Bfast, Pears for lunch & sweet potato for dinner.

Her routine

Wake up 07:00
Bottle feed 4 hourly.
Breakfast 08:00 - 09:00
Bottle 11:00
Lunch 12:00 -13:00
Bottle 15:00
Nap 17:00
Dinner 18:00
Bottle & Bed 19:00

She then wakes up 23:00, I just give pacifier to calm.
Wakes again at 01:00, Give her bottle.
Wakes again at 04:00, give her bottle.

She falls asleep perfectly well on her own without a pacifier. I only use the pacifier during her night wakings to get her to settle.

Is it normal for me to be feeding her twice during the night?

Will really appreciate some help or advice.


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2015, 12:00:44 pm »
Hi hun and welcome to BW. I am a FTM too, and trust me everything you think you knew before having a child seems to miraculously disappear  :P. you are doing just fine!

I love it when all the other mums say how wonderful their babies sleep! Load of rubbish 9/10 times.. Just have a look around here and see the millions of posts we have about baby sleep!

Can I ask how much milk she takes during the day? I think that'll give us a good indication if she's truly hungry at night or whether she's using the feed to go back to sleep as a habit iykwim? I have a feeling the 1am one might be needed, but that 4am might be habitual. Is she taking a full bottle on wu?

Does she sleep for 2hrs for those two naps then an hour for the last one? It may be that that's a tad too much sleep during the day, it would've been for mine, but we were plagued with short naps  ::). Every baby is different so it's a case of finding what works for your LO.

Some can hit the 3-2 transition around now which causes NW's and there's a need to decrease the day sleep with increasing the A time. Some are teething around now and also there's the wonder weeks to take into consideration too. Do you follow those? I'll post some links for you at the end to have a read through.

Few questions if I may... How is she at the NW's hun? Is she easy to resettle? Do you just feed her and she goes back down easily? Have you tried to soothe her in other ways rather than feeding? And last but not least, just to clarify, these NW's have been the same since she was 4mo right?

Sorry, I just like to try and get a full picture as to what's going on so we can make a plan! Look forward to hearing from you x

Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!
All about the 3-2 transition- 5/6 months
When can I stop feeding at night?
Development leaps and disequilibrium periods: what they are and tips to help LOs
10 reasons (other than hunger) a baby can wake at night
Shush-pat - How to
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 12:06:27 pm by Kellyjs »

Offline leannevdzee

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Re: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2015, 10:08:20 am »

Thanks for the reply. I dont know who to turn to anymore.

She drinks a bottle every 3-4 hours. 150ml  per feeding. With an estimation of about 450ml during the day. give or take  :)

Last night was a bit different.
23:00 NW fussing but not full on crying. I tried the shh pat , but she kept flinging her legs up in the air and moaning became louder once I was in her room. I replaced the pacified and she slept till 02:30 when I gave a bottle and another at 05:30.
I give her 120ml at night instead of 150ml and she usually finishes the bottle.

I am back at work so I have a nanny with her during the day so I cant exactly pinpoint her sleeping routine during. According to the nanny she rarely sleeps longer than 2 hours during the day, mostly 1-1:30 hours and the 17:00 nap is only about 45 min.

When she wakes at night at 23h00 she usually moans but not cry. When I sshh and pat she kicks up her legs and continues moaning until it becomes a cry.I usually give pacifier. Once I give the pacifier she falls straight back asleep. I have noticed that she only opens her eyes once I start with sshh pat, but I am going to read up on sshh pat method on you link to see whether I am doing it right. at her 02:00 NW she moans much like the earlier NW but she takes the pacifier and keeps moaning, I then offer bottle, she drinks and falls asleep once shes finished.

Wow, I hope it makes some sense :)

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2015, 11:53:20 am »
That all makes perfect sense  :) Hmmm I am wondering if she might need a tad more milk during the day? I know all babies are different, so it's hard to give a rough figure really. Some can be up to 900ml a day! Does she drain all her bottles during the day? If so, I might think about adding an extra 2oz in them. I genuinely do think she's hungry at the 2am NW. I think you're handling them brilliantly and I would do the exact same thing.

At the 11pm wu, it sounds like she's trying to self-settle. Perhaps you could try leaving her until she cries out for you? It may be that the ssh/pat might have annoyed her if she's trying to get back off to sleep  ;)

Would you mind asking your nanny to log a few days for us sleep wise? It would be interesting to see her awake times and total day sleep for a few days to get a full picture. Is she an independent sleeper ie does she go down for naps and BT without someone needing to be there?x

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Re: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2015, 21:41:55 pm »
Hi, welcome to BW :)
First off I want to say that even if your friend's babies of a similar age are sleeping well no one has any idea what phases of sleep disturbance are yet to come. They may struggle terribly in the future with certain developmental leaps or dropping one of the naps or no sleep at all due to teething, whilst your LO may breeze through some of these normal phases. Equally they may have other difficulties which no one can predict - we have a tendency to compare to other LOs even though we know we shouldn't. The bigger picture shows that we all struggle at one time or another.

I just wanted to throw another idea into the mix here.  I may be wrong with this, just a thought.
You said she was poorly at 4 months and the NW for extra feeds started. This sounds normal to me, even after recovery LOs can need an extra feed at night to make up for lost calories when they were poorly. As example mine (who slept through the night from very early on and was an independent sleeper too) was poorly at 10.5 months old. During and after his recovery he had night waking due to hunger, I was astonished to hear his hunger cry which I had basically never heard due to being on a predictable EASY routine from 5 wks old and he had not even had a dream feed for a few months by that point.  He had a real need for those calories, he could not take in enough in the day to make up for his loss during the illness. As soon as he had made up the NW for feeds stopped.
There is also a big growth spurt around 4 months which may have coincided with the increased night feeds being needed (although a GS would generally be a few days) or coincided with the tiem of the illness/recovery which added to the need to night feed.

I also see you started solids around the same time, a month ago.  I'm just wondering if you began solids to try to stop the night feeds? And if day time milk has dropped at all since that time?
Sometimes friends or family may advise starting solids to make LO fuller to sleep longer at night but it can have the opposite effect. There are more calories (and fat) in the milk than what she can take in solids and it could even be that she is full on solids in the day so taking in fewer calories in the day, meaning she needs a milk feed at night. It's just another idea to ponder.
If any of this sounds familiar you might want to try reducing the solids a little, maybe even cut the evening solids right down and see if her day time milk intake increases...which may reduce the need for the second night feed.

I think I'd also be tempted to just feed at the 11pm ish NW - it's roughly the time a dream feed would be given and may help her to do her long stretch of sleep after the feed.  I know this is slightly contradictory to Kelly's advice above - either is fine really - some people prefer to feed before they go to bed (between 10-11) some people prefer to wait for LO to wake with hunger later in the night. It's really your choice. Mine didn't take a dream feed but still took a feed between 10-11 and did his long stretch of sleep after this (so did I).

Offline leannevdzee

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Re: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 11:49:21 am »
Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback.

Kelly -I tracked her sleeping habits for the past 4 days. Very similar to my previous message. She is only awake for 2 hours when she gets fussy and wants to sleep again. She falls asleep independently. Sometimes with or without the pacifier. For her day naps I usually put her in her cot with her blankie and paci and she would fall asleep after a few minutes and at night after her bottle same thing. Same routine at night. Bed 7pm, NW 12pm (paci to calm) 2am NW bottle, 5 am NWbottle. Awake 7am. I tried to keep track of her bottle feeds which still range from between 3-4 hours during the day. She will drink half her bottle and half hour later finish it. Very strange, rarely finishes the bottle in one go.

I will increase her milk during the day and see how that goes.

Do you perhaps think it could be because her bedroom is too dark? My mom thinks that its the reason why she wont settle, because she cant see around her and then starts stressing. :-\

Creations- thanks for your view, I appreciate all the advice I can get.
I started her on solids after my pediatrician advised I should start. However, I dont push her. If she doesnt feel like eating then I leave it. I give her  2tbs cereal in the morning, 2tbs pureed pear for lunch and aboutt 1tbs sweet potatoe for dinner. And like last night she became fussy around dinner and refused to eat.  ??? I will try the dreamfeed 11am as well and see how that goes.

I feel so guilty that I am complaining about a perfectly healthy baby, she really is a joy. ;) I would just like to help her sleep better and in return have a good nights rest as well.

Thanks for all your help

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Newbie to BW. Please help. First baby: night wakings.
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2015, 07:12:57 am »
No I wouldn't expect it's because the room is too dark at all, however you could try a little night light and see if that helps? All about the process of elimination eh?  ;) there are some really cute things on the market, but my DD found them all too stimulating. Could try keeping a hall or landing light on but with the door mostly closed and see if it makes a difference.

I would try and increase the A slightly though. I know she's getting fussy around the 2hr mark, but sometimes this can be learned behaviour. Doing something very low key for an extra 15mins tends to do the trick. I used to just carry DD around the house pointing out all the things I needed to clean so that's why she needed a good nap  ;). Keep me posted how it all goes ok? X