Author Topic: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW  (Read 1127 times)

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Offline Dymondgirl

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7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« on: May 29, 2015, 05:29:07 am »
Hi lovely ladies! I'm hoping someone can help me,  because I'm completely lost on this one.

Firstly, I just wanted to say that I have been following Tracy's EASY routine since my DD was 8 weeks old - best thing I ever did, and thanks to this forum I have had a fairly easy (no pun intended  :P) run with my daughter so far.

Ok so now my problem which i'll try to keep concise...

* My DD has been sleeping through (7-7, with a DF at 10:30ish) since 10 weeks old. Used to use shh/pat up to 4 months then she cracked it, now self settles just put her down and walk out.
* She has self weaned the DF about 6 weeks ago - just refused it and cried when we tried to feed / pick her up. She's made up for it through her day feeds.
* Self dropped to 2 naps about 10 weeks ago.
* 4 bottles a day (FF due to serious BF issues that saw me hospitalised for 10 days when she was 6 weeks old).
* 3 solids a day - generally eats well, though some days doesn't want a bar of solids.
* Consistent bedtime routine, bath every night, bottle then into sleeping bag and then self settles with dummy, most often it drops out before she falls asleep though.

Current situation
Current EASY looks like (+/- 15mins):
WU 7.00
E 7.20 bottle
E 9.00 solids
S 10.15-11.15/11.45 usually about 1-1.5hrs (most often 1hr)
E 11.30 bottle
E 1.00pm solids
S goes down between 2.30-3.00pm lasting about 1hr, though sometimes only 40mins, depending on tiredess and previous wake up (at least 3hrs up time)
E 4.00pm bottle
E solids 5.30pm
A inc bath and bottle
BT 7pm 

3 nights ago we had to go to hospital (via energency) because she fell and hit her head. She is ok, thankfully! we didnt leave the hospital that night until 8, she fell asleep in the car but then woke up at 8:30pm when we got home, transferred her to her cot, she woke up at about 9.30pm and resettled straight away (with dummy from memory)

2 nights ago she woke up 3hrs after BT, screaming hysterically. Only way to settle was to hold her. Every time i tried to put her into her cot, she would go hysterical. Ended  up putting on white noise 1hr later, that put her to sleep.

last night, woke up twice hysterical. Once at 10.30pm (3.5hrs after sleep) took 20mins to get her to resettle, and at about 3.15 (again after about 3.5hrs sleep) took 15mins to get her to resettle. Both times i had to hold her to get her to settle enough to go back to sleep. She still sleeps until 7am. Oh, and not a dummy issue as i try to give it back to her and she hits my hand out of the way and spits it back out (lol... cheeky little thing  :))

So far, today's EASY has looked like:

WU 7am (prob awake since 650)
E 720 (full bottle)
E 850 solids
S 1020 - 1130 (took 10mins to fall asleep, she was in her pram, had to resettle at 11)
E 1200 (full bottle)
E 1345 solids
S 1500-still sleeping (took 5ish minutes to fall asleep)

I have no idea whats going on??!!  ??? First world problem i know, but i'm not used to waking up once let alone twice a night when she's been sleeping through since 10 weeks! Any thoughts or advice welcome!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 05:33:44 am by Dymondgirl »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 06:56:14 am »
Hi and welcome to BW. I love that, no pun intended!

It sounds like you've done an amazing job so far, well done you. Unfortunately things can go haywire every now and again. We've just gotten through a bout of NW's too... It's so hard when you're not used to them isn't it? Do you follow the wonder weeks at all? Saved my sanity on more than one occasion  ;)

Your post is great, a lot of good info there. I was wondering though, have you seen any teeth on their way? Best to check before we try and tweak the routine. I'm thinking based on your previous routine a little bump in A time could be needed as she's not often sleeping longer than an hour. Perhaps just 15mins or so?

I do wonder if that bump has unsettled her and she's developed a little bit of separation anxiety too. Any indications of that during the day? It could also be that she got a bit OT and OS that day and that's thrown her off. If that's the case, I wouldn't bump the A times just yet, you'll know better based on her mood. Look forward to your reply x

Offline Dymondgirl

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Re: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 07:14:14 am »
Hi Kellyjs,

Thanks for your quick reply! :)

Gosh, its a killer when they start waking up and you're not used to it! Hope your NW's have settled down. I definitely follow the wonder weeks, and she is due for another leap in 9 days.

So teeth... great question! DD already has 2 bottom teeth (arrived 4m1wk) and 3 top teeth (arrived in the last few weeks). I have been thinking that maybe she's getting the next two bottom teeth as she's showing some teething signs, but I wasnt sure if it could be causing the NW's because none of the other 5 have... and when i pick her up she stops crying, whereas i assumed if it was teeth she would be crying even in my arms from the pain...  ??? what do you think??

She's also definitely showing separation anxiety lately, that just started in  the last 2 weeks or so, where she cries if she cant see me (not when she's going to sleep though, shes ok there).

I also think you make a good point about the OT and OS from the hospital visit. She was definitely OS while we were there. Any idea how I can help her get back on track?

An update on her EASY today, she went to sleep at 3pm, woke up 3.50 crying, i did a quick shh/pat and she was back down until 4.30 (total sleep about 1.5hrs). She hasnt slept so late for a while now, not sure if i should put her down at 7pm as usual, or stretch it out a bit? I dont think she's done an up time less than 3hrs in a long time. Any thoughts on her BT tonight?

Sorry for the 20 questions... really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks again! x

« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 07:22:18 am by Dymondgirl »

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 07:31:56 am »
I'd do BT at usual time hun, that might give her chance to catch up if she is really tired. If not, it might take her a while to get to sleep, but I always think consistency is key. It might also help her get back on track. IME a longer nap and/or EBT tends to help. EBT doesn't work for all lo's though ok? A good ONS does reset them but as she's waking more at night, that could be compounding the problem.

Hmmm, teeth wise. Difficult one. It really depends on the LO. It is better when their head is elevated slightly as that helps with teething pain. So it *could be better being held upright. You could try elevating her mattress ever so slightly by placing a towel or two under one end. If she's anything like my DD she'll roll down to the end anyway  ::). Also I might expect she'd be waking up more often than the 3.5hrs mark tbh especially without meds. Teething really gets difficult around the molars and canine stages.. (12-18-24mths). However some handle it better than others. That's what we've had recently  ::).

Keep me posted as to how tonight goes. We'll see how that does and make a plan for tomorrow ok? Seems you might be on a different time zone to me so I don't want to miss you. If it's a reasonable night perhaps try and do a cot nap in the am if you can at your usual A time and see if that helps her sleep a little  longer. My DD never slept well in the pram anyway. We'll then see how lomg the nap is ans if the A needs increasing there slightly. Sounds like a plan?  :) x

This link might help too Separation Anxiety

« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 07:35:14 am by Kellyjs »

Offline Dymondgirl

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Re: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2015, 07:45:25 am »
Ok great - thanks! So my plan for tonight is normal 7pm BT and hopefully that gives her a chance to catch up.

That's a good idea about slightly elevating the mattress too. I'm thinking Ill try that tonight too and see how we go.

Yeah, I'm in Aus (down under) so the time zone Is a bit different. :) I'll let you know how everything goes tonight and we can go from there tomorrow.

Thanks again! X

Offline Dymondgirl

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Re: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2015, 09:17:27 am »
So an update... DD slept through last night! Yay!  :) she went down at 7 and fell asleep within 10 mins, and woke up at 7 this morning!

I'm hoping it was just the hospital visit that threw her out of kilter a bit and that she's back on track tonight. Though, do you think I should be extending her A time a bit more?

Thanks for your help and advice yesterday!

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 7mth old sleeping through, now NW
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2015, 11:23:53 am »
Excellent news!  :D and anytime hun, it's what we're here for.

Yep, I'd look at extending slightly to see if those naps get a little longer. Especially after a mammoth 12hr sleep, I'd think she might be happy enough with the extension. Perhaps 15 mins might do it? I'd hold that for 3 days and perhaps look at extending agin if needs be. You might want to keep the A time to BT the same however. I'm always wary of extending that one too much if it's working well already and she goes to sleep well then.

It will mean your day gets slightly longer though if you're happy with that? It would mean BT at around 7.30 as we're adding 30 mins total to the A time. 12.5hr or even 13hr day day is more than acceptable as they get older xx