Hi there, welcome to the forums! Sorry your post has been missed. How are things now?
I don't have any experience with dummys I'm afraid, but generally I would say that if you think it's interfering with sleep, now might be the time to wean it. But the NWs could easily be developmental too, so I'd probably wait to see if they stop by themselves in a couple of weeks. It could also genuinely be hunger - the growth spurt might be / have been tailing off rather than suddenly stopped.
WRT dream feeding with a bottle - my two always woke up I'm afraid! It didn't matter with my daughter - she took the feed and then slept through from about 4/5 months, but it disturbed my son's sleep for the rest of the night, so we stopped doing it with him. Will she not take it at all, or is it that she generally wakes up when you do it?