Would appreciate some advice, getting stressed out about my son's lack of sleep.
He's 23 months, has gone to bed at 7pm for months and months and up until a month ago woke up between 7-8. We do a bed time routine, the same one forever, no significant life changes going on. He takes a 1.5-2.5 hour nap each day.
On to the problem. For the past three weeks he has been sitting in his crib awake and quiet for hours after being put to bed. This started leading to short naps and early wakings. We would try to compensate with early bedtimes but he would still sit there.
Tonight we put him to bed at 7 and he sat there until 945 and started crying. I went in and asked him if he pooped and he said yes so i picked him up to change him. He laid his head on my shoulder, closed his eyes and almost fell asleep. He was exhausted. I tucked him back in and he went to sit again, I told him no lay down it's time to sleep and rubbed his back. I left while he was still awake and he stayed laying down and went to sleep.
It's like he is forcing himself to stay awake, but why?
I've even seen him go to sleep for the night and wake up at like 1am and sit there for two hours! I wouldn't know any of this is going on without the camera in his room.