My almost 3-month old is almost 14 pounds, doesn't eat between 8PM- 655AM, but wakes up early and just hangs out in her crib. I want her to sleep more and would switch to 4-hour EASY, increasing her A time and fewer, longer naps. What do you think?
We don't do dream feeds because 1) it led to more waking and 2) I go to bed at 9PM I'd have to wake up to do it and that's not helpful. But she does cluster feed:
Wake up: 6AM
E:7- doesn't eat for long, I try again around 750 since she didn't eat all night
S:8:30 or 9AM if we want to push it
E: 10AM
S: 1130- 12:40, tosses and yells in crib. We get her up
E: 1
S: 230-4
E: 4
E: 5
S: occasional cat nap if she woke up early from an earlier nap
E: 6- 645
A: 7 pm bath
E: 710-750
A: get sleep sack on
S: 8- 550/6AM