I'm looking for some help for my 6 month old who has just started waking multiple times in the night. The last couple of days it's been every 90 mins or so, before this he typically had two night feeds three hours apart. Our routine is generally something like this:
7am: wake
7.30 bf
8.30: solids
9.30: sleep - generally 45 mins, sometimes 90 mins
10.15 wake
11am: E ( bf)
12pm: solids
1pm: sleep - generally 45 mins, occasionally 90 mins
1.45: Awake
2.30: E ( bf )
4.15: nap
5: E ( bf )
6: solids
7.15: bed
10: dream feed
He then wakes at least twice for feeds but the last few days it's been every couple of hours and feeding is the only way to settle him. This means he's not very hungry for the first breastfeeding.
It's all fairly flexible but his awake time is generally around 2hrs 30/45. He seems particularly tired at the moment, there's lots of eye rubbing and he starts to get quite grumbly if I try and extend the awake time any more. He also ends up taking a shorter nap if I do that. I do wonder if it's that he's ready for the 3:2 transition but he never has too much daytime sleep I don't think as his naps tend to be short. If he does a longer nap and that pushes all the timings back we do manage to get to just two naps but it doesn't make a difference to the night and it doesn't change the total amount of daytime sleep he's getting.
Any advice is appreciated, I'm shattered! We've been weaning for about three weeks, he seems to love most food and he's having three small solids meals a day.