Hi and hugs, LO is still very little but hopefully we can help!

about the CIO with a four month old, that's so sad and even the original researchers who recommend CIO suggest it shouldn't be used until at least 6 months of age. We can certainly support you with much gentler methods

First thing it's really important to try not to compare. STTN is something different babies achieve at different times, and really only refers to a 5/6 hour stretch at this age. Babies of 3 months almost all need to eat overnight, likely twice or even three times in a 12h night. You don't say if you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding?
Not all babies will do a 12h night. Anything over 10.5-11 is actually pretty good. I notice in your day you have one rather long A time after the 45 minute nap, but it looks like LO makes up for that with a long afternoon nap. I wonder about maybe trying to have that nap slightly earlier, wake at 2h allowing enough time for a catnap and a slightly earlier bedtime of say 7pm?
Have you started working on independent sleep yet or does LO need help to settle?