With the gradual withdrawal, you could try holding the bars of her cot as a first step, or sit right next to the cot and talk to her instead of touching her? I remember many a night with my first LO sitting with my face pressed up to the bars of her cot... She also liked to hold my hand during nws. If you can break the touch bit, then you can gradually start moving away.
On her routine, would you say she generally needs a lot of sleep (more than most babies her age), about the same, or less? My LO would only nap 30 minutes when UT, but it's usually a sign of OT, though not necessarily when the LO is waking up happy. I'd keep on with the A time push anyway, if you can. I'd have thought even if she's high sleep needs you'd still need to get her to around 3.5hrs A time, though I might ask others to chip in if she is HSN as I have no experience with that at all - my two are both LSN.