DS has tended towards long NWs since birth but lately they are getting worse and he's waking earlier so he seems to be getting less and less night sleep over the past few weeks. I'm not sure what to do. He usually chats for 30-40 minutes and then if he cries, I feed him and he goes back to sleep. Sometimes he will go back to sleep on his own. 2-3 times a week he'll get through without a NF but usually wakes up to chat and play sometime in the night. Naps have been a bit off lately too so that's probably not helping. I'd like to fix it if I could as he will be sharing a room with DD when we move to our cabin for the summer and I don't want him waking her.
EMW: 530ish - fed and sleeping by 6:20
WU and BF: 7
S: 10-11:30 (PD at 9:30 but took 30 min to settle)
E: solids at 12, bf at 130
S: 2-3
E: bf at 3:30, solids at 5
BF and BT: 6:20
NW: Chatted 4-430 fed and sleeping by 5ish
WU: 6:30
S: 10-11:15 (A bit later than normal because he had his immunizations)
E: Solids at 1130, bf at 115
S: 1:30-3
E: bf at 330, solids at 5
BF and BT: 6:40 - He probably would have gone to sleep at 6 but I pushed it hoping to help with the NWs
NW: Chatted 12-12:30, DH tried to settle then I went and fed him - back to sleep at 115 - a bit feverish from the needles
EMW: 5-5:50 - chatted and then cried but stopped and self-settled by the time I got to him so yay for a small victory!
Up for today at 6:25 (and taking a good am nap
His regular routine is:
WU: 6-7
S: 9:30-11 - I wake him if he's not up to preserve pm nap
S: 1:30-3/3:30
BT: 6:30/7