Author Topic: Sleep or eat question: how to dream feed  (Read 1744 times)

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Sleep or eat question: how to dream feed
« on: July 18, 2015, 12:15:25 pm »
My daughter has been on a 4 hour easy for a week now. She's 4-months today. I'm having trouble getting her down to 5 feeds a day. She's ok with the 4-hours, but wakes early v. Hungry. I hoped that the 4:4 would extend her night sleep but hasn't. Tried dream feed she took 1-2 oz the first night and nothing last night. Some nights I can get her to eat much at 7 pm, which is why I think dream feed should help
E: 530- wants a full feed but I try to make it smaller so she can eat at 7
Back to sleep
E: 7- won't take a full feed
S: 9
E: 11
S: 1
E: 3
S: 450-530
E: 630-730 or 7-8

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Re: Sleep or eat question: how to dream feed
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2015, 15:38:15 pm »
Why do you want her on only 5 feeds?

You have to keep trying with the DF until it clicks:)

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Sleep or eat question: how to dream feed
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2015, 15:55:15 pm »
A lot of bf babies don't make the 4 hr feed time until much later than 4 months. Mine didn't until they started solids really. As for the dream feed I would keep trying (maybe at a slightly different time?) but there are kids who it does not work for - my DD3 would never rouse for a df so I just fed her when she woke.

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Re: Sleep or eat question: how to dream feed
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2015, 19:31:44 pm »
You don't need to try to fit her into the routine. It is just a guide and most babies will have their own rhythm. In fact BFing research has moved on considerably since the BW books were written and we like to think Tracy would have updated her advice to reflect this had she still been around. It is now recognised that most BF babies will need more feeds than the 4 day time ones and a DF/NF.

If she isn't hungry at 7am then you could always wait until say 8 to feed her. As long as you have a little gap between the feed and the sleep you wouldn't need to worry about props.

How are you feeding her for the DF? From a bottle? I ask this as you mention ounces. If so is she used to having a bottle at other times?

I'd try to get that e tra feed in in the day rather than at night. If she is sleeping from BT to 5.20am then she is doing great for her age and it is likely she will wake for NFs earlier as she hits the 4mo GS and sleep regression anyway.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011