Hello everyone,
My little one is 4 months old.
couple weeks ago she started waking multiple times during the night, and i started a thread in the sleeping section - there i got some advice to try DF from some amazing ladies.
we started DF 5 days ago, around 23:00-23:15, and here's what happened:
Day1 - she took only 20 ml (her usual bottle is 150ml) but didn't move once during the night until 3:30 AM
Day2 - she took 100 ml this time however she stirred twice and woke around 3:00 AM - when i took her up she was all wet from pee

poor thing - and she what chitchating when she woke up and smiling.
Day3 - Dad put a new diaper on before the DF, which kinda woke her up. During DF she was half asleep and took 100 ml. then she needed some help getting back to sleep - which she didn't the first 2 nights, because she didn't wake at all. she moved a bit around 2:00 AM, then at 3:00 she woke but when i came back to ger her after making her bottle she was sleeping. so i went back to bed, and she woke again at 3:30 AM. i thought i would try the paci, and she fell asleep in 2 seconds. she finally woke at 5:00 AM to eat - and she was hungry by then.
she then went back to sleep and i had to wake her at 7:00 (she always wakes by herself but not this time). ofc she wasn't hungry and barley ate 40 ml.
Day4 - woke at 3AM i gave her paci and patted her and then she woke at 4:15AM and ate a full bottle. at 7:00AM she ate 100 ml.
Day5 - she woke at 3AM and i gave her paci and patted her, then she woke again at 4AM and i felt she wasn't really waking for food so again paci and patting and eventually she woke at 5AM, and she cried a little, which she never does - so i thought maybe she was too hungry? she ate almost entire bottle and went back to sleep. i woke her at 7AM (again she didn't wake after a 5AM feed) and she ate around 7:15 about 40ml
i am really confused. i don't expect magic to happen over night or something like that, but i feel we just added another feed, confusing our LO, she doesn't want to eat in the morning but she does eat at night, she still has several NW's and to be honest, I don't know how to say it but that it doesn't feel completely right to me, hope you understand what i mean.

I am editing my original post to add that the last 2 weeks or so my LO has been having a lot of gas (wind)

she's not suffering with bad tummy aches but it's like she has some sort of constipation, and since we started DF it's has gotten worse. this could be a coincidence but i thought i should point it out.
any advice for us?
is there a problem to stop DF after some time of trying it? just asking, we won't stop it just yet.