As the title says, really. My very LSN 2.5yr old always wakes at 5 / 5.30 when away from home. We're about to spend a lot of time away over the next 3 weeks so I'm after tips. The first trip we're sharing a room - my husband and I, and both kids. When he's EW'D away on holiday in the past I've left him to try and resettle until he's started crying. If it's 6ish by this point I get him up but last time he was clearly still tired so I brought him into my bed so he could go back to sleep, which eventually worked. Mainly I don't want my daughter to be woken at 5.30am too. So first question is - do you think I should just get him up when he cries, to avoid perpetuating the EW by bringing him into our bed whilst away? I'm clinging onto the idea that after a few nights he might start sleeping better, and he's in his own room for our second trip so don't want to teach him that he sleeps in with us from 5am when he's away from home cos I get NO sleep that way.
Second question - he can easily handle the occasional EW with a normal BT cos he's very LSN and handles OT well. However, 5 nights of only 9.5 - 10 hours sleep...? Not sure about that... I can see if EBT helps buy he'll only do 11hr nights max anyway, and if I let him nap more than 15 minutes for more than one day in a row, he EWs. Last time we were away it delayed him getting back on track cos I let him nap on the way home. So any thoughts on that too? I'm thinking do a slightly EBT and if it doesn't work allow one day with a short nap and that's it? And sort it out when we get home... Any other ideas anyone?