DD will be 3 in September, and for the past few months we've been having major struggles around sleep. She's been on no nap most days for a few months now (maybe napping 1-2x per week). However, from about 1-2pm she's a fiery disaster. I've tried giving her naps, doing quiet time, keeping her up, giving her a snack, anything and she's so fussy. Then at BT she is so fussy saying "I'm not tired" over and over and over even though she's obviously exhausted. And she's waking up in the middle of the night screaming and saying she's hungry (partially a different monster as she barely eats during the day). On days she does nap, she's a nightmare to wake up, taking so long to wake up, and being fussy for 30-40 minutes after her wake up, no matter how long she naps. I've tried 20min naps to 1 hr naps, etc. Some days I try to put her down as she's so fussy, and she says she's tired, but she won't stay up there. Yet, if in the car or stroller or even a swing, she's pretty much guaranteed to fall asleep.
Her day is something like
WU - 7:15-8am ( I let her wake on her own and it's usually earlier)
BT - 7:45-8pm
She's very spirited and challenging me in every way possible. With another LO that naps, I can't just take her for quick walks/drive to get her to nap as H naps well in her crib for a couple of hours.
Thank you for any help.