Author Topic: n mo old, day 2 of EASY - Night Wakings  (Read 1566 times)

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n mo old, day 2 of EASY - Night Wakings
« on: November 10, 2015, 14:50:31 pm »
Hi -

Quick backstory:
Just started EASY after really not having any kind of schedule other than feed when hungry, nap when tired.  At 2-3 months he was sleeping through the night (or at least what is considered sleeping through the night 6-7 hrs).  It was awesome.  Towards the end of month 3 he started having issues...not sleeping through the night, very short naps - some as little as 20 mins - chalked it up to 4 m sleep regression. (He's always been about 1-2 weeks ahead on every milestone, even being born).  He's a super great kid really - never cries.  However, I "held" him to sleep every nap and for night sleeps.  Well, at 22lbs - hes just more than my body can handle. I spent month 4 refreshing myself on various sleep strategies.  I had read Tracy's book while pregnant.  I re-read it one night while LO slept.  Decided it was the way to go since I do not believe in CIO.  Had to get Dad on board - he's anti any kind of schedule.  I'm the total opposite.

Any way - I started slowly implementing EASY 4 days ago - the first two days were me just practicing looks for cues and listening to LO.  Two days ago we started implementing the "schedule".  However, since starting EASY the night wakings are absolutely insane now.  Here's what yesterday looked like:

7:00am Wake & Feed -
its was 7:11 before we got downstairs to officially eat (we do a slow wake up routine and lots of smiling), ate 3 oz.

7:30-9:15 - Activity (we started wind down at 9:15, eliminating stimulating toys and sounds)
9:45am-10:40 am - Napped (It took alot to get him to fall asleep, he was not happy about going to back to bed)
11:20 - Dad waited too long to feed him, but he wasn't fussy, ate 4 oz.
11:30-12:45 Activity, started wind down at 12:45
1:04pm- 2:20pm NAP - Went down so easy, textbook Whisperer, but since he didn't make it to 3pm - we had to feed him early
2:45pm - Feed - 5 oz
4:46 - he was falling asleep - so we started a nap - since his naps are short, I let him sleep till 5:45pm
6-7 Activity
7pm - Feed - 5 oz
7:30pm - bedtime routine, bath, massage, read
8pm - feed - 5oz (I was scared he wasn't going to get his normal amount in the 24hrs and he's always had a bottle before bed, we planned on working that out after week two of EASY (baby steps, right?)
8:05 - Sleep - out like a light, almost before I could get him in a crib.

Here's where the trouble begins - he was up at 10:19, 12:03am, 2:13am, and 5:26 am - and he was a beast at each waking, not normal for him AT ALL - he got a bottle each time - which I'm sure was a mistake, but he got us some sleep.  He has never, ever had so much trouble sleeping.  It was awful for both of us. And obviously, we met and exceeded our food quota!!!

We have started day two, but I wanted to get help on what I'm doing wrong or what I could be doing before we develop any more bad habits we have to change.

Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: n mo old, day 2 of EASY - Night Wakings
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2015, 18:20:34 pm »
Hi and welcome! Glad you found us  :)

Sorry hun, would you let me know how old he is? I think a typo upset the title for you  ::)

It sounds like you're doing wonderfully so far though, I'm sure with a tweak or two we can sort it for you xx