Author Topic: Regression- help!!!!  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline MamaCooke

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Regression- help!!!!
« on: November 19, 2015, 18:29:31 pm »
Help! My baby who was so once well sleep trained with BW from 8-9 months all of a sudden turned 360. Teething, but most importantly learned to pull himself up in crib. What to do???? I feel like I've tried everything that use to work!!

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 02:33:40 am »
Hi there, can you give us some more information please? How old is LO now? Can you post a typical day in EASY format? Any new skills or developmental leaps? Any signs of teeth? :)



Offline MamaCooke

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2015, 18:43:39 pm »
Babes is almost 10 months. I started BW with him at 8. Went  really smooth for a month until he learned to stand, teething again, and I'm positive he's over a second nap (I know, I know, he's super young but do take into account his nap usually lasts at least 2 hours and if it is shorter I still try for the second nap). He just kept fighting that second nap consistently so we just go to bed a little earlier as not to get him OT. He fights me on the first nap half the time and this is where I'm at a loss. If I sit there with him, which is how I traoned him in the first place, he just pulls himself up in crib to stand and cackles. I try the firm hand on back and that only works half the time. I talk to him through monitor. This seems to do nothing. I nurse him a second time. This works half the time. Crying never ceases into mantra crying if left alone like it did before. 😣

E 615 wakes up, nurses, breakfast
A 715-915 then nurses again
S 930-1130
E 1130-12 lunch
A 12-3 then nurses again at 330 (this is when he used to go down for second nap), more play, eats dinner around 6-630, then bath and get ready for bed and nurse again
S 700 he used to go to sleep at 8 wit second nap but now I try for earlier as to not OT him. I plan to stretch it out over time.

And really nothing is like clockwork for him these days. This is just kind of how things play out. His length of naps vary all the time, sometimes he wakes up earlier, sometimes to bed later.

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2015, 12:50:25 pm »
OK, sounds like you are in 2-1 land and the first step might be to push that 1st A time right out closer to 3.5 hours, working towards 4 hours, but you may want to take a few days to get there. The 2-1 transition can be messy and it may be necessary to AP that 2nd nap, which very well may be a CN.
Has LO been left to cry? I wasn't sure from your phrasing of him going in to a mantra cry. If so, he may need some extra reassurance that you are there for him. It is fine to leave the room, but if he is giving that "I need you" cry, you could just peek around the door and talk to him from the door to let him know you are there if he needs you.
You will be working towards pushing that long nap further and further in to the middle of the day and may need to keep a CN late in the day to get to a decent BT, but it is all a process and I would recommend starting with the above.



Offline MamaCooke

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2015, 03:42:00 am »
Thank you. Ya, schedule is a mess! He has s hard time making it to even 3 hours in the am. I feel like I've played around with so many variations and then once I think I got it he goes and confuses me and makes me question my choices. Can't get it straight lol. I think we may have passed the peak of it though. Naps and BT seemed to be getting a tad easier. A tad. But maybe he's just pulling my chain again idk. I feel like I just want to throw a swaddle around him to keep him from standing up. I feel like it would help calm him to sleep but then again at this age it almost seems like some kind of abuse lol.

Offline lily_layne

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2015, 02:10:12 am »
Haven't read this all through but caught the bit about DS standing up instead of sleeping. My DS did the same but it did pass after about 3 weeks (a very frustrating 3 weeks!).
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline MamaCooke

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2015, 19:58:23 pm »
Good news! Baby has gone back to his sweet sweet BW sleeping days!!! Like I said there was a lot going on while he wasn't sleeping normal like cutting a tooth, object permanence development and standing but mothers intuition tells me it was the development of learning to stand! Lasted about a week. I finally just had to hold both sides of his blankie down every time to keep him down until he fell asleep. I know this sounds awful but he only fussed rather than the full blown cries when I left the room entirely. Now, I think he knows no funny business at nap time and I did a lot of work using the monitor. Shushing and saying night night (our key phrase) over and over. At first I thought the monitor was a bad idea because it was almost a teaser I felt. But now as soon as I put him down and he stands up or wakes half way up in the middle of nap I just use the monitor and he lays right back down to sleep! Hurray!!

Offline lily_layne

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Re: Regression- help!!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2015, 00:11:29 am »
That's great!
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014