Babes is almost 10 months. I started BW with him at 8. Went really smooth for a month until he learned to stand, teething again, and I'm positive he's over a second nap (I know, I know, he's super young but do take into account his nap usually lasts at least 2 hours and if it is shorter I still try for the second nap). He just kept fighting that second nap consistently so we just go to bed a little earlier as not to get him OT. He fights me on the first nap half the time and this is where I'm at a loss. If I sit there with him, which is how I traoned him in the first place, he just pulls himself up in crib to stand and cackles. I try the firm hand on back and that only works half the time. I talk to him through monitor. This seems to do nothing. I nurse him a second time. This works half the time. Crying never ceases into mantra crying if left alone like it did before. 😣
E 615 wakes up, nurses, breakfast
A 715-915 then nurses again
S 930-1130
E 1130-12 lunch
A 12-3 then nurses again at 330 (this is when he used to go down for second nap), more play, eats dinner around 6-630, then bath and get ready for bed and nurse again
S 700 he used to go to sleep at 8 wit second nap but now I try for earlier as to not OT him. I plan to stretch it out over time.
And really nothing is like clockwork for him these days. This is just kind of how things play out. His length of naps vary all the time, sometimes he wakes up earlier, sometimes to bed later.