My bub went down to 2 sleeps at around 6 months. She would sleep 7pm-7am then take a nap around 9am and one that started around 12:30-1:30 depending on morning nap length. We just found when she started refusing the 3rd catnap that we couldn't push her morning awake time and this staggered approach worked great for her. She went down without a fuss at these times for the last 6 months. Feeling grateful that she was so predictable and napped great for 3-4 hours a day plus all night!! However.... The last couple of weeks have been tough! I have had to push the morning nap out to 9:30-10:00 and a couple of times she has completely refused her morning nap. I even tried rocking her this morning until 10:30 but she was wide awake. She has never responded to patting or anything, so we have always just put her down and she might sook a bit but recently it is all out screaming, the same screaming we get when we change her nappy or try to dress her these days
So today I put her down at 12 and she woke at 1:30. The other time she refused her morning nap I put her down at 12:30 and she slept til 3:30! Are we just going through an awful transition? I'm wondering if she went down to 2 early are we also going to 1 early? Any advice appreciated!
7am wake and BF
8am breakfast
9:30-10am hopefully nap - I have been waking her at 11am for a while now
11am wake and snack
12:30-1pm lunch
2pm nap - usually 1-2 hours though can be 45mins of late
4pm BF
5:30pm dinner
7pm bed