Help. Ever since the clocks changed and BLW started my 6 month old little boy just won't sleep for longer than 35mins. He used to be a good napper, and went down within 10 mins and slept for 45 mins-1hr in the morning, 1.5hr at lunch and 45 mins in the afternoon. I have always put him down in his crib for most of his naps, but now it seems he will only sleep for longer than 35 mins if he is in his pram.
Now he takes up to 30 mins to go down for a nap, and within 35-40mins he's awake and crying. I have always left him for 5 mins before going into see him, so that he has the chance to self settle but he seems to suddenly be unable to do this now! When i go in to reassure him and then try to leave, he is more upset than before i went in. I have a video monitor, but i have to switch off the sound as the noise breaks my heart. I never leave him more than 5 mins. He has a dummy, but throws this out in his frenzy.
I have considered that it might be the start of seperation anxiety and tried PUPD, but once i pick up, it makes it impossible to put him down as he cries before he even touches the mattress.
We have always tried to put him down awake, but my OH has struggled to do this in the evening, as he is so tired from the lack of sleep, that he is falling asleep whilst having his bottle.
At nightime, he sleeps from 7-5.45. I then BF him and he sleeps until 7.15. Our routine is a follows:
E-7/7.15- awake. BF- but doesn't take much as fed at 5.45am
A- 1hr
E- 8- breakfast (BLW)
A- 1hr (15mins of quiet time b4 nap, includes quiet singing, book and cuddles)
S- 9 ( takes up to 30 mins to go down)
A- 30mins
E-10.30 ( sometime 11) depending on if baby is hungry.
A- 1hr- i try to knacker him out for lunch, so time in door bouncer, time in stand up activity centre, tummy time and floor play.
E-11.30- BLW lunch
S- 12.30 1pm asleep. He then awakes at 1.05. Try to resettle. check every 5 mins, reassure and leave. Normally do this for 30 mins before giving up. However today i persevered for 40 and he quietened down and went to sleep.
E-2pm. BF
A- 3hrs
S-4 asleep in pram or car. Sleeps for 45 mins.
E-5- BF
E-5.30 BLW tea
A- 2hrs( bath at 6.30)
E- bottle before bed 6.50.
S- 7pm.
Is this just a phase?
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