Author Topic: 19 mth old not napping  (Read 1853 times)

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Offline avrillo

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19 mth old not napping
« on: November 16, 2015, 00:37:15 am »
My 19 mth old has been fighting naps for over a week- (he had 2 all week). He's been down to one nap since about 12 mths. Since 16 mths he's been doing a nice pattern of BT 7pm, wake 6-7am, nap 12.30 (for 1.5 hrs ish). About 3 weeks ago he started chatting in the cot for longer periods before finally falling asleep for his nap but still napped consistently. Last week this all went pear shaped, now he is also cutting a canine but unsettled sleep with teeth has never lasted over a week before and no sign of it changing. And he is not very grizzly through the day. He cries until I get him up then immediately stops. Routine has been consistent. He then fights early BT so even though I try BT at 6pm he fights it until about 7 when he settles happily. He is getting very tired but I don't know what to do to change this. He is a very high needs kid so I am exhausted as his nap time was precious. Should I try altering his routine or just keep trying what isn't working until I see more than a tip of his tooth??   

Offline cath~

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Re: 19 mth old not napping
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2015, 14:59:48 pm »
Hi there,

Sounds like he might need a bit more A time before going down for a nap.  Have you tried offering a nap at 1pm instead?

What are his nights like after no nap?  Have you given any medicine for the tooth cutting?  Does he settle any better with meds?  If not, then I'd def try a longer A time to see if that helps.
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline avrillo

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Re: 19 mth old not napping
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 00:19:40 am »
Have tried pain med and it doesn't make any difference. Yesterday I tried a 1pm nap and after a short cry he settled fine but today he had pain med a while before going down tried 1pm again and he's still crying/ calling out 15 mins later so I know he wont settle at this stage. He gets really tired at dinner time when he hasn't napped so doesn't eat well and he takes ages to settle at bedtime when I try to bring BT earlier cos he hasn't napped so BT ends up being 7pm. Woke at 6.15 this morning and looks tired, was yawning on a short drive home from playgroup but no sleep. He is a super high needs kid so I need his naps! Please don't tell me he is dropping the only 1.5 hrs I get to myself all day!! 

Offline avrillo

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Re: 19 mth old not napping
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2015, 07:07:26 am »
Ok so an update, we went for a walk this afternoon and he napped (which he NEVER does in the stroller) for about an hr from 2.45pm to 3.45pm, woke up mega grumpy. BT at 7pm, started crying whenever I put him in sleeping bag so had a little bit of play (5 mins) to change his mindset then put him to bed slightly whingy. Quiet as soon as I left the room, had a little chat to himself then asleep. Where do I go from here. He clearly needs some day sleep as its very unusual for him to fall asleep in the stroller (but we go for a walk each day at a similar time and this is the first time he's napped). Is this likely to be a regression, routine issue, teeth, or nap drop??or is it a case of only time will tell??   

Offline cath~

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Re: 19 mth old not napping
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2015, 13:19:35 pm »
Might be a combination of regression and routine issues.  My dd2 has started protesting and telling me she doesn't want to nap at nap time, but I know she still needs a nap. It's partly developmental to resist I think.

I'd def keep trying for a nap each day. 1 PM worked once but not the next time so maybe try 1.15 pm and see if that's any better.  If he's not napping and getting upset then maybe go for a walk/drive a bit later to see if he'll nap then (like you did).

The BT troubles may have been due to OT.  Even if BT was a bit earlier, after a nnd he might have needed it earlier still.

Like you say, I don't think he's ready to stop napping yet, but this looks like it could be the start of the 1-0 for you (don't worry - it can be a long process and you may be able to keep a nap for quite a while to come).

Maybe have a read of this though so you know what sorts of things might come up:
The 1-0 transition...Advice and Tips to help you through.
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old