Hello...I'm back!!
So the last two nights he is back to feeding every two hours to the tee!
I am still feeding one meal of solids a day (mid afternoon; about one tablespoon). And he feeds every 3.5-4 hours during the day. I had one night of bliss then it went back. I'm working with another mod on the EASY board to tweak my routine; however, it doesn't explain the full feeds he is taking at night. I have tried settling in other ways and he does know how to fall asleep on his own because he has done it before. I'm just confused
Am I just not feeding him enough during the day? Is it a growth spurt that hasn't ended? Is it teething? (He is teething; nothing cutting just swollen gums).
Not sure if this matters but he was born with a smaller than average stomach not sure if this is a factor to his eating patterns. I used to give top ups before he was able to stretch to 4 hours; but perhaps due to 6 months being a time of a lot of growth and development maybe I should reintroduce? I don't want a snacking habit and I also don't want a nighttime habit if that's possible.
Thank you in advance!