Author Topic: 6 months and cluster feeding  (Read 4748 times)

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6 months and cluster feeding
« on: January 06, 2016, 20:32:55 pm »
 My daughter is six months old and I am breast-feeding her. I just introduced some solid foods. I don't know if she is cluster feeding or if she is not getting enough milk from me but she nurses every 45 minutes to an hour. She used to sleep through the night but since I've switched her from the rocker to the play pack she wakes up  after an hour and won't go back to bed unless I put her in the bed with me. Then she still wakes up a few times during the night to nurse.  I give her cereal before bed thinking it will fill her up and she'll sleep better and she gets two small bowls  and she will still nurse before bed.  She is teething so I don't know if maybe it's related to her teething too.  It's just Confusing to have her nurse every 45 minutes to an hour I don't even have time to pump anymore

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 6 months and cluster feeding
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 03:23:01 am »
There is usually a growth spurt at 6 months would.could partly explain the frequent nursing! Is it just in the daytime or have nf's increased too? Is she just snacking or using the time or comfort or taking a good feed?

I would really caution against relying on solids to fill her up and help her sttn - often they can have the opposite effect, either because she is getting full from solids and not getting enough bm or because it can cause digestive upset.