Author Topic: Almost 9mth old dropping feeds?  (Read 1502 times)

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Almost 9mth old dropping feeds?
« on: January 01, 2016, 13:24:31 pm »
Hi ladies,
Looking for some help, advice or even some reassurance! Dd is 6days short of 9mths and breastfed along with solids. We were breastfeeding every 4hrs with solids inbetween up until a month ago. Of her 4 breastfeeds a day, she started refusing the third one. Not fussing, just not interested. She'd have a little go then roll off to play. If i kept trying to bring her back, she'd start to get upset. It was boob, dinner, then boob to sleep within a 3hr window so i didnt mind dropping it. Shes done fine without it. Now, for the past week or so, shes starting to refuse her midday one as well. Not angry or fussing (as she does when teeth are hurting) just not interested. Ive tried to wait her out and not have lunch till she has boob but its worrying me more than her! She had breaky at 9am and its now 2.30pm and shes had nothing since! I keep offering boob but shes just not interested. Tried different positions, dark room, rocking chair, laying down, giving her a toy, wearing a necklace, nothing! She does have red cheek rashes typical for her when teeth are moving but she normally cries at the boob if it hurts to eat... Shes still sleeping all night and in good spirits. I know if i offer her solids, she'll eat the whole bowl.
I just dont know what else to do! :(

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Re: Almost 9mth old dropping feeds?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2016, 20:08:23 pm »
I'd just keep offering casually and if she refuses move on. If it is teeth causing it she will likely come back to it soon. As long as you know she is having good solids like veg, fruit, protein, complex carbs and good fats (and not sugary foods with little nutritional content) then I think that is fine.

Also, have you tried medicating if you think she is experiencing discomfort from teething? Or offering something cold to bite on just prior to offering the breast.

You could also try a nursing necklace or toy around your neck for her to play with while nursing to keep her interested.

Getting in the bath together and letting her help herself can coax LOs back to the breast as well :)

Getting your periods back can sometimes cause a lack of interest if it causes the taste of the milk to change so just something to consider if that applies.

Another option if you really want to get more milk into her is to pump and offer the breastmilk either in a cup or bottle or with solids like cereal.

I'd also be sure to offer water with every meal so she can stay hydrated.

Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011