DD will be 1 month tomorrow and I'm curious about possibly dropping the DF. More just thinking out loud here...
My DS never had a DF but we sort of came by this one naturally as DD seemed to settle into an evening routine very quickly and typically goes down for the night at about 7pm and thus would naturally feed about 3hrs later at 10pm. At first she was waking for this feed but now she's usually dead asleep so it just turned into a DF. The thing is, it tends to wake her up completely, she can often fight the bottle and can be generally pretty gassy and seem uncomfortable after (grunting, holding her legs up to her tummy etc.). It seems like it might actually be doing more harm than good? The pro is that it does tie her over until about 1:30am, and she has gone as long as until 3am. I usually go to bed at about 10pm so the DF fits into my routine easily, so I worry that if I stop and just go to bed myself that she'll end up waking an hour later for a feed leaving me with a crummy NF. That said, she just doesn't seem to want thw DF if that makes sense.
Any BTDT or advice? I guess I can just try a night without a see what happens.