Hi There,
I'm new to the forum and just yesterday started trying to get my 3 month old into the EASY routine.
I am the classic example of accidental parenting.
My little boy (my first) has reflux and as a new mom I just threw all the rules out the window and just tried to comfort him when he was in pain. After every feed it was screaming for an hour and a half to two hours and it was heart breaking. I tried having him on a schedule which didn't work at the time and ended up taking someone's advice and demand feeding him.
This definitively helped the screaming, he started feeding small little meals more frequently as if to say, this is all my tummy can handle right now mommy.
Now we have him on medication that neutralizes the acid in his tummy so it doesn't burn when it pushes up.
He is now 3 months and still likes to feed smaller meals.
Yesterday I tried to feed him for 30 minutes before Activity time, but he would not have it. He fed 15 minutes and then before sleep time he wants to feed another 15 minutes.
Is this okay to do, or completely unacceptable?