I am at my wits end, so hoping someone can help me!
My DS is 15 months old actual (13 months corrected). He has always been on a good routine, but was a catnapper (30-45 min naps). However once he started crawling, his naps lengthened out to 1 hr. Up until 2 months ago, he would have 1 morning nap about 10am for 1 hr and an afternoon nap at 3pm of 1hr (sometimes 30 min). However something has changed and he now resists every afternoon nap. It is driving me INSANE! He wakes up at 7am and bedtime is 7pm, though realistically he is probably not asleep until 7.30pm.
I have tried:
- pushing back his morning nap to 11.30am, to see if he is ready for 1 nap, however he still only sleeps 1hr.
- resettling him to make the nap longer so we can just have the one, but he just laughs and thinks its a game because he usually goes to sleep on his own.
- pushing back his afternoon nap so he has more awake time, but no matter what time I put him down, he will play around for up to 45 mins and then cry until I come and pick him up. The only time he will fall asleep is after 4pm but then I struggle getting him to bed at 7pm because he is so awake. Sometimes it can even be as late as 9pm!
- just dealing with the 1 hr nap and moving his bedtime to 6pm, or 6.15pm, or 6.30pm to make up for the lack of sleep, but he cries until his usual bedtime of 7pm.
- putting him in the car for afternoon naps (extreme I know, but you will do anything when desperate) and that worked for a couple of weeks. Now he won't sleep in the car.
Any suggestions on what to do?
If he is ready for one nap, that is fine, I just need to work out how to extend his naptime. The last 3 days he was awake for 8 hours after his nap until bedtime!
If he isn't ready for one nap, I need some advice about what time to put him down for his naps.
Thanks in advance