Isn't your other breast exploding though?? I definitely notice my LO swallowing rapidly but I can't really say that he chokes on it, that's why i was never sure if it was that. I was thinking to try the towel trick though perhaps ill do that and see if it helps. Thanks for the suggestion.
Im on thyroid medication from my pregnancy, which the dr kept intentionally high so that the sudden hormone drop wouldn't affect my milk supply. I recently started lowering the dose, which I thought would only help the overactive let down, but maybe it's lowing my supply instead.
I actually just put LO on Xantac to see if it was a reflux issue was as suggested by deb. Anyone know if this is one of those "gets worse before it gets better" situations? The last couple of days have been awful. We're drowning in rivers of spit up.
And I leave you with that image