Hi Everyone,
I'd really appreciate your help with any advice for my 12 month old. She has always been a challenge to get to sleep/stay asleep from pretty much day 1. She is a mix of touchy/grumpy in baby types and has always been clingy.
Here is a typical day:
Wake time anywhere from 4am -6.30 (5.30 - 6am most common)
Breakfast at 6.30am
AM nap around 9am (around 30 mins)
Lunch 11.30
PM nap variable but around 2pm. (In cot 20-30mins/in bed with me can sleep up to 2 hours)
Dinner 5.15pm
Bedtime routine starts 6pm, generally asleep by 6.40pm (breastfeed downstairs, brush teeth, bath, book, lullaby then bed)
Wakes around 9pm, 12am, 2am, 4am, 6am
Currently co-sleeping since 7months as I couldn't cope with the sleep deprivation and she was very hard to get back in the cot at that time. Would like to get her back into the cot all night. She sleeps in cot until about midnight wake then is very difficult to get back in and keep rewaking after 5 minutes.
I have used PUPD technique at 6 months and got rid of the dummy which was successful in making bedtime easier (30mins, previously taking 2 hours and very overtired). She even increased her time asleep to 4 hours at the time but unfortunatly at the end of the week of sleep training she got poorly and since then it has been one illness after another or teeth coming through (with family crisis in between) meaning limited opportunities to sleep train again. It did not help with naps and I spent hours with her trying to get her to extend naps to no avail.
She is better than she was, at one point she woke every 30 minutes or so in the evening and was consistently waking at 4am which was exhausting! I have always breast fed her back to sleep until now, but she is now 1 year old and doesn't need this. I return to work in less than a month and desperately need some sleep!She has back teeth coming through but has permenantly had teeth/colds etc so I can't delay any longer)
She is a terribe sleeper and was very dependent on feeding/rocking or would be hysterical but this has improved and allowed a second period of sleep training (PUPD 12 month adaptation, basically lying her back down when she cries and using cuddly toy as prop) where she can now just about be put down awake but drowsy in the cot and get to sleep faitly easily. This has made no impact on naps or nightwakings though and I need advice on how to tackle these next. I don't feel I can go 'cold turkey' on feeds with her at the moment.
So advice re:
Transitioning back to her cot all night
Dealing with night wakings
This is my last chance before returning to work and I really want it to work, please help!! Thank you in anticipation.