Author Topic: my LO wont feed after he is winded. usually only drinking 2-3 oz  (Read 2728 times)

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Offline BekkiBoo89

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Hi guys.

My LO is 11 weeks now.. he was breastfed before and had a tongue tie at birth but got it done around 4 weeks old.
I went to a breastfeeding group and spoke about his wind and constant feeding.

It turns out he seems to be mildly intolerent to milk and so is now on prescribed formula as we had so much trouble and he has never done a normal poo.. Always had diarrhoea. She also said he wasn't latching properly and he seems to click now on the bottle too. He also won't feed after his first part of the bottle.. this is usually around 2-3 oz and I'm starting to worry as he has it 4hourly and only has one feed at night so that's only 5 feeds. His first few burps come up well but he seems to constantly have wind and it takes hours to get the last bits up.. doesn't settle to sleep well and can take hours of putting him down and picking him back up to wind him before bed until finally he burps again.

I'm not sure what to do .. any help would be appreciated x

Offline Lolly

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Re: my LO wont feed after he is winded. usually only drinking 2-3 oz
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2016, 21:40:51 pm »
Hi and welcome!

I have a few questions but hopefully we can help! Which formula is he on now? How are the nappies? Have you had a follow up for the tongue tie - sometimes they can reattach which could be the case of the clicking. If it is the tie that could be making him more windy.

What flow teat are you using - using one too slow or too fast can also make them take in too much air. If it's too slow they get tired and only take enough milk to take the edge off, but not a proper feed as it's too hard work.

Another thing to think about for a poor feeder with the wind is reflux - has that ever been explored. It can be a symptom of milk protein intolerance, so if you are using a partially broken down formula it may be that.

My first refluxer was a nightmare to wind and if we stopped him mid bottle he would refuse any more. In the end I just let him feed as long as he wanted and then burped after. I did have to sit very still with him for a while after a feed or we both ended up wearing it ::) :P
