Thanks so much for the replies! So good to have some guidance !
Typical day she wakes up at 6:30 or 7 and I feed her. She usually eats quickly 20 min and she's done (I'm breastfeeding her)
Then she will be on her playmat for about 15-20 min and then will start fussing and yawning, and she seems I swaddle her and sit with her , sometimes she needs the shush pat and sometimes not, once she is calm I put her in her bassinet. Then she will usually fuss need to be picked up, I put her down again a few times, she will fall asleep and then wake up 20 min later and I repeat the whole process until about 2 1/2 her from her last feed, which is when she is hungry .
I follow this pattern until late afternoon, then I have some trouble with the two catnaps, I just combine those into one bec it takes her such a long time to fall asleep. I do the cluster feeds.
I put her to sleep between 8 and 9 bec my husband doesn't get home until 7 and I want them to spend some time together. I feed her right before bed, I started doing the dream feeds last night and then she usually wakes up anytime between 2:30 and 4 to eat.
Also I think she fits into the touchy child category.