My DD is almost 10 months and over the past week or so has started refusing her pm nap. She normally wakes between 7am-7.30am and goes down for her first nap about 10.30am. She normally falls asleep quickly at this time although sometimes I think she could handle a longer A time here. I then wake her at 11.30am. I normally try to put her down about 2.30pm and I used to wake her at 4pm so she's ready for bed about 7/7.30pm. However it's now getting closer to 3pm before she finally goes asleep and I wake her at 4pm.
Should I be capping her naps? How much day sleep should she be having? Is it better to cap her am or pm one?
Her night sleep is hit and miss. We're just getting over illness and it was awful but last night she slept from 8pm-7.15am with one wake up for dummy. I would say she's normally up a couple of times for her dummy but rarely awake a long time in the night. I want to keep 2 naps for as long as I can however she is starting nursery soon so I know it will get messy then!