Hi there and welcome!
Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with naps. It can be tricky, especially at the beginning when they still have other things to figure out:)
I don't have much experience with reflux, but I believe it doesn't choose when it strikes. What I mean is that if she sleeps that well at night it doesn't seem to be a cause of the day sleep. Do you burp her after feeding? Sometimes LOs don't need burping at night but they do daytime.
She generally goes down at 7-11.30, then has a feed, then sleeps until 3 and then has a feed and then sleeps until 7ish. She takes a bit of time to settle at 7 but then settles herself throughout the night with no crying or fuss.
Is this her night? Just checking to make sure:)
Could you write your day in an EASY format? It would help a lot.I.e:
7:00 WU
7:10 E
7:10-8:40 A
8:40 trying to put her down...
I wonder if it's her OT or UT causing that.
Also, is it possible that the room is too bright? Just trying to find out the difference between day and night for her.