Hi there and welcome to the BW forum:)
Are you sure you're not raising my DS's clone?

We went through the same thing. And believe me - to the letter!!!
I can only told you what worked for us:
1. I put DS down in the crib with pacifier, kissed him goodnight and told him I loved him. Left the room.
2. As I was leaving he was already on his feet laughing at me (very funny ;]), but I left anyway
3. He played for around 10 min by himself and started crying because he threw out the paci.
4. I came in, picked up paci, told him I have to wash it and left. Washed the paci in bathroom sink, put it on the pillow, layed him down, kissed...
5. In time I had to do it less and less until he was golden;]
But that is assuming that he has the right proportion of sleep/play time. It seems to me like he is UT and does not need the sleep at the time you put him down.
Can you write down your EASY for me?. For example:
7:00 WU
7:30 bottle
8:30 breakfast
10:00 nap...