Author Topic: 10 month old standing up in crib  (Read 1167 times)

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Offline smreimer10

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10 month old standing up in crib
« on: February 29, 2016, 17:48:04 pm »
We started PU/PD when my LO was around 7 months and it worked very well. We were at a point where I could lay her in her crib, walk away and she would basically roll over and fall asleep all on her own.  She is now 10 months (almost 11 months) and we have been struggling with putting her to sleep for the past few weeks.  When I lay her in her crib she instantly stands up.  If I proceed with the PD part of PU/PD as soon as she stands, then it becomes a game and she continues standing up each time I put her down, giggling and seeming to actually gain energy each time.  If I leave the room for a couple of minutes then she purposely throws her soother on the ground and starts crying until I come in the room.  I feel as though I am in a lose-lose situation whether I stay or go.  Things that have changed since she started having sleep troubles are: switched her from breastfeeding to formula (it was an easy switch), she has become increasingly active, and she has started to get clingy.  Any advice?

Offline Bella89

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Re: 10 month old standing up in crib
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 20:17:23 pm »
Hi there and welcome to the BW forum:)

Are you sure you're not raising my DS's clone? :) We went through the same thing. And believe me - to the letter!!!

I can only told you what worked for us:
1. I put DS down in the crib with pacifier, kissed him goodnight and told him I loved him. Left the room.
2. As I was leaving he was already on his feet laughing at me (very funny ;]), but I left anyway
3. He played for around 10 min by himself and started crying because he threw out the paci.
4. I came in, picked up paci, told him I have to wash it and left. Washed the paci in bathroom sink, put it on the pillow, layed him down, kissed...
5. In time I had to do it less and less until he was golden;]

But that is assuming that he has the right proportion of sleep/play time. It seems to me like he is UT and does not need the sleep at the time you put him down.
Can you write down your EASY for me?. For example:
7:00 WU
7:30 bottle
8:30 breakfast
10:00 nap...

Offline smreimer10

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Re: 10 month old standing up in crib
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2016, 18:31:21 pm »
Thanks for your response!  We seem to have mostly solved the soother throwing issue by persisting with not giving it back to her immediately.  The standing in the crib is still an issue though. 

Our EASY routine is:

6:30-7      Wake & Bottle
8:00          Breakfast
8:30          Nap #1 (1-1.5 hrs)
10:30-11  Bottle
12:00       Lunch
12:30       Nap #2 (1-1.5 hrs)
2:30-3     Bottle
5:00        Supper
6:30        Bottle
6:30-7    Bed

We have tried pushing her naps later (even to 9 and 1) but she was an angry crying mess by the time 9:00 rolled around. 

Offline Bella89

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Re: 10 month old standing up in crib
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2016, 18:52:55 pm »
The only thing that stood up immidiately is that first nap being so early in a day. At that age it is really impossible she is tired after 2h of A time.
The sign of tiredness by 9 is the sign that she got used to this nap being so early (hence she is tired).

I would really recommend you pushed that first A time gradually, so by 15 min at first. Keep it for 3-4 days, and then try another 15 min. What do you think? That's the easiest way. So basically it would look like this for now:
6:30 WU
8:15 nap 1
11:00 bottle...

It might help with standing up if she is UT. How long does it take her to fall asleep total?