Author Topic: Help!  (Read 701 times)

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Offline Nicnic311

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« on: March 09, 2016, 16:50:00 pm »
Please help.  My lo is just 5 months and just over a week ago we were advised to go cold turkey and get rid of his soother.  We were up up to 15 times a night just popping it back into his mouth.  Since we did this he now settles himself to sleep without crying at night and will sleep the night through.  However then comes nap time!  If I try and hold him and get him to sleep we can have up to an hour of crying and fighting sleep.  I've tried putting him into his crib and using the pick up put down method but that leads to him being absolutely hysterical!  I've also trying the shh and pat but the same happens.  He minute he hears me or feels me he cries even louder.  The longest he has cried since being put down in the crib is 30 mins but more often it is 15.  I hate it though!  I feel like a complete failure because I am unable to soothe my child to sleep.  He also will only sleep for 15 to 30 minutes.  It doesn't seem to be getting any better even though we have been consistent with the naps since the weekend.  I just don't know what else to do!
Please help!

Offline lauradj

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Re: Help!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2016, 06:04:09 am »
I'm sorry, it's so hard when you feel like you've let your child down.  Just know that 1. you haven't and 2. We have all been there, or will be there, at some point in this journey called Parenthood.
Is there a lovey you could give him as replacement?  It's bed time for me but I'll pop on tomorrow to offer more helpful suggestions.  One thing that will help is consistency.  I never used PU/PD because my boys hated it so I used Shhh-Pat every time.  Just something to think on.  You're re-training his expectations from a pacifier to sooth, to himself.  It's not an easy task to ask of him, so you have to be gentle, patient and consistent.
Back soon!