Author Topic: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?  (Read 3125 times)

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Offline Helentracey

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9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:15:11 am »
I have a 9 mo (he was 10 days late and is often a bit early with sleep changes etc as a result). Until v recently he has been an amazing night sleeper - slept from 7/8-7 around 7 weeks old so I'm not complaining but asking how to manage a recent change in sleep pattern. Basically for the last ten days aside from one night he has woken around 1am or 5am and it takes around an hour to get him back to sleep. To begin with I thought it was teeth so occasionally used nurofen after an hour if he wasn't settled and this worked but the last few nights my sense is it is more related to milestones/developmental/Sep anxiety. I suspect teeth have a part to play but I'm wondering whether it's also a sleep regression. I have also gradually weaned from EBF in the last month and he is starting nursery this week (!) so guess this all contributes. I wondered if someone could give me advice on how to manage the NW as last night he was awake between 12 midnight and 6am on and off, with it taking a v long time to get him back to sleep and then he only slept for a sleep cycle before waking again. I use a variation of ssh pat but last night ended up picking him up as he was a very upset but each time I put him back in the cot he would cry again so the cycle repeated. I am keen not to set u sleep associations during this phase so asvice on how to manage this would be great. I also noticed last night he was jolting when he was drifting off to sleep, which then woke him up so we had to then start from beginning again. I hadn't seen this since the 4 month sleep regression hence why I suspect it may be regression? Anyway am keen not to have to continually pick him up as he is usually an independent sleeper and has a solid 11-12 hours at night so don't want to make him dependant upon me. Daytime routine looks like this:

7 awake and 7oz feed
8 breakfast
10-10.30 nap (1-1.5hours)
12 lunch
1.30/2 7oz bottle
2.30/3 nap (typically a v short one 30 mins)
4.30 dinner
6.30/6.45 bath
7 7oz bottle and bed
This routine will change soon as he start nursery but any advice on how to get him through this sleep regression (if that's what it is?) would be very much appreciated.

Offline lily_layne

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 03:01:38 am »
Have you ever checked out the wonder weeks website? He could be in a wonder week (developmental leap) and that often causes sleep disturbances that will pass on their own.

If you suspect teeth, I would give meds at BT to see if that helps. If he really struggles to get back to sleep, I would probably try holding him until he drifts back off. If he's been an independent sleeper for a long time, one or two nights of that shouldn't cause a problem. I was more relaxed about doing that on DS's tough nights than I was with DD and it didn't ruin his good sleep habits. You could also just try bringing an air bed into his room so you can lay beside him and keep a firm hand on him for the jolts (and also get some rest yourself).
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline Helentracey

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 11:16:26 am »
Thanks for your reply. We are now almost two weeks into disrupted nights and whilst I don't feel I should complain really as we have had such good sleep until now, I am concerned that I am creating bad habits. The only way to get my lO back to sleep appears to be by holding him until he is drifting to sleep and then putting him back into the cot. Although ssh pat/variations of are used first, this usually doesn't work and after going around the cylce of him sitting up in the cot, me putting him back down etc etc about 20 times he then becomes upset at which point I pick him up (if ssh pat is making no difference). It is only the odd occasion when he is unwell that I have used this method in the past- usually sshing works if he is a bit unsettled. He is definitely going through a developmental leap but I also think the regression is going on. Just concerned about night waking becoming a habit!

Offline lily_layne

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2016, 01:51:38 am »
Is he showing any signs of OT before BT? (Fussiness, eye rubbing, lots of yawning?)
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline Helentracey

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2016, 21:44:24 pm »
Yes! Before this regression he was also showing these signs to a lesser extent but I managed to hold him out until 7 so my husband could see him however in the last two weeks (and esp since starting nursery) he has been totally exhausted so I have had him in the bath around 6.15 ish and he usually in bed by 6.45-7. Being OT did not appear to affect his night sleep before (and in fact he often has a shorter afternoon nap and still lasted 3.5-4 hours and still slept through) however I now wonder whether this regression has made him more sensitive to this? Or maybe it's telling me something else about a need for a change somewhere in his routine?

Offline lily_layne

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2016, 02:13:06 am »
It does sound like he's ready for a change and my guess is that he needs an earlier BT. OT accumulates over time and starting nursery is probably very tiring for him so he may need a chance to catch up on lost sleep. When my DS started daycare, he often needed to be in bed by 6 (and 630 at the latest). I would try bringing BT earlier for a few days and see what happens.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline Helentracey

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2016, 15:36:55 pm »
Thanks - so would you bring it forward and then slowly shift it back once he has caught up on sleep? I am also guessing the sleep regression and teeth and a a growth spurt (?!) have a part of play, just keen to avoid developing bad sleep habits.

Offline lily_layne

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Re: 9 month old getting into bad habits or sleep regression?
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2016, 02:32:19 am »
I would bring it forward for a bit and then if he starts fighting BT or is waking too early, I'd shift it back. He may be able to go straight back to his usual BT if he's feeling rested.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014