Author Topic: Naps gone wonky - nearly 9 month old  (Read 764 times)

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Offline Claire_BarnabysMummy

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Naps gone wonky - nearly 9 month old
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:36:39 pm »
Hi all,

DS2 is now nearly 9 months and for the past 3 weeks or so our naps have completely wonky and I'm so unsure as to what to do.

Before our EASY looked like this:
Wake: 7:30
E: 7:45 (solids)
E: 10:00 (8oz bottle)
S: 11:00
Wake: 12noon
E: Solids
E: 8oz bottle
S: 2:30-3:00ish depending on how tired he was
Wake: 4:30
E: Solids
E: 7:15 (8oz bottle)
Bed: 7:30

But he started to wake up early from his PM nap, sometimes I could resettle sometimes not. But the past week he is now waking early from all his naps and I cannot resettle him for any of them. He's also full of a snotty cold which is not helping.

When he wakes up he initially he does cry which makes me think he is overtired but although sometimes I can calm him down enough for him to settle down he doesn't go back off to sleep which makes me think under tired (so confused).

Our nights are OK, he does wake but will usually resettle himself pretty quickly without any intervention on mine or the OHs part, except the early part of the night when we usually spend the first 3 hours or so tag teaming each other to go and resettle him (again not sure if under tired or overtired).

He self settles for naps and bedtime really easily (such a relief after DS1) and has a story, little singing and the then into his cot. He has a dummy but I let him find it himself I don't give it to him.

I just don't know what to do about his naps, I'm exhausted from running up and down stairs as have a 3 year old to worry about to.

Any help/advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Offline lauradj

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Re: Naps gone wonky - nearly 9 month old
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 21:58:11 pm »
Hi there!  Can you give me an idea of what time he wakes from his naps? 30 mins, 45mins, 60 etc.?  If he is sick that could certainly be the reason he's not sleeping well at the moment and you may just need to push through this rough patch until he's feeling better.  Could it be teething?

Offline Claire_BarnabysMummy

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Re: Naps gone wonky - nearly 9 month old
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2016, 09:50:00 am »
Hi, he generally wakes sometime between 30 and 45 minutes, crying and rubbing his eyes like he wants to go back to sleep but I can't resettle him.

Didn't think he could be teething as our family get teeth late (DS1 was 14 months before his first came through!) but I think I can see something on his bottom gum which looks like a tooth popping through so maybe that explains it.

Offline lauradj

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Re: Naps gone wonky - nearly 9 month old
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2016, 21:30:19 pm »
Your EASY looks ok for his age, though if he's getting a combination of WU times it sounds like he's in a bit of an UT/OT loop.  I'd suggest a gentle push of just 5-10 minutes and see if that helps but I'd wait till he's healthy first.  Have you tried PU/PD to extend his naps?
The age your previous child got their teeth is not an accurate indicator for all your children.  By a year, my DS1 had all his teeth but he didn't get his first until 7 months.  DS2 got his first tooth at 6 months but only has 6 total and will be a year on Friday. 
Pick Up/Put Down (PU/PD) - Everything you ever needed to know!