Hi everyone
I really hope someone can help. My son is 11.5 months old and is a very happy and contended baby but our routine has gone a bit awry of late and needs tweaking I think. We've mostly always followed Tracy's methods and as a result H is a very independent sleeper and doesn't need me at all in the night and tends mostly to take naps which are between 70 mins to 2 hours. However, over the past 2 months H has been waking earlier and earlier in the morning (he's always been an early riser - 6am ish - which we are content with as so are we but he has been waking between 5 and 5.30am.
Our routine is as follows:
Wake between 5 - 5.30am (leave in cot until 6.15am)
6.15am - bottle 9oz
8am - Breakfast porridge etc
8.30/8.45am until max 10:20am - AM nap (I wake him by 10:20am ish if he hasn't woken before)
10:30/11am - Snack
12:30pm - lunch
1.30/2pm - 3.45pm max - PM nap (this is the nap which varies the most as sometimes he will go straight to sleep by 1.30/1.45pm and sometimes will play in his cot until close to 2.30pm on bad days - on the bad days this often means me waking him by 3:45pm so as not to interfere with bedtime)
5:30pm - dinner
Bath etc
6:30pm - bottle 7oz and bed - usually asleep by between 6:30pm and 7pm.
I'm sure the early waking is a result of his schedule but I can't work out what it might be.

For some reason he needs around 4 hours of awake time between his naps in the middle of the day - also I can't work out whether his playing in the cot means he is OT or UT (either way he does a long nap over 70 mins). I don't know whether he is getting the right amount of awake time before bedtime either.
Sorry - lots of questions! I'd really appreciate some advice. xx